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Hi all, I am new to bee keeping this year and would like to ask is it ok that i put an entrance reducer on my national hive. Entrance is now about 10cm long. At inspection today noticed plenty of wasps trying to get into the hive, around the hive and i thought it was the right thing to do? The hive entrance does now seem a little crowded and the weather is good at the moment here in N. Ireland - dry warm week forecast. Any thoughts anyone??:thanks:
Having united the queenless hive with the new colony on the 20th I enlisted my son to hold up the top brood box while I checked the newspaper sheet. It was full of holes, allowing the bees to mix freely so removed it along with supporting qe and closed up. The bees were noticeably less aggressive although it must be said I had not lifted any frames out of the brood. Finished off by looking into the last swarm hive and this time spotted the queen. Not a very strong colony yet so likely to need lots of support or uniting with a stronger colony to overwinter. Thinking about an insulated nuc. A lot will depend on their reaction to varroa treatment scheduled for all my colonies on Sunday.
Used a bit of softwood and knocked together some ekes so I can treat for varroa. I plan on uniting hive 1 (queenless) with the nuc I hived recently. This unite will be tomorrow and the combined colony plus hives 2 and 3 are all 14 x 12 with omf bases. These will all get Apiguard at the weekend plus hive 4 (bait hive with standard brood frames) will get Apilife-var as the bait hive is bottom bee space and does not easily permit using ekes. It will be interesting to observe the difference in results of the treatments.
A fairly large group assembled for todays session. We had an informative talk about the options and treatments currently used. Pyrethroids are presently not effective in the area so the use of Api Life var, Apiguard and MAQS were considered. Application of the treatments were demonstrated after removal of honey supers which were ready for harvesting. The use of an eke to give space for Apiguard trays and also the use of modified crown boards with single bee space on one side and extended space at the other. A number of poly nucs were treated with Api Life var which did not need eke space. The omf floors of these were covered with cardboard and gaffer tape. Maybe next year a thin plywood slide can be used with slide bearers attached to...
Looked in no 1 hive to see if there were any signs of eggs or larva yet or if the hive is truly queenless. Nothing to contradict the diagnosis and it looks as though no 1 is going to end up being united with the queened nuc I brought home a few days ago and transferred into a new hive. I looked into no 2 hive which was the split and had held eggs and larva at the last inspection. This time I managed to find the qeen. A real beauty! Don't know where the nearest drone assembly point is but she certainly found it. No 3 doing fine and Tiger Lily looking regal. Dusk was falling so no other hives inspected.
Well, a busy day indeed. Collected my two little helpers, and we loaded up the trailer with 95 % of the spare kit to bring home , renovate, sort, repair, sulphur smoke and paint.Everything went well until I decided to speed things up on the sulphur front.....and thats why you use a sulphur burner as the strips in one stack decided to set the bl**dy stack ablaze. Luckily my sixth sense was working and I only ended up with a scorched super, 2 top bars and a couple of melted 14x*12 frames......Loads of dead bugs, moths, grubs etc.And I discovered the motherlode of wax moth colonies.....I had to use a hammer and heel to break apart a brood that had stuck inside a roof, and then it took 5 mins to prise the crown board out.....1000s of...
Having been to see the available bees I bought a 6 frame nuc with a healthy looking queen and bursting with bees. Having set up a new 14 x 12 hive I transferred the dn1 frames holding these bees into it with full size frames and wax either side of them. The bees will probably build brace comb in the void but if they do its not the end of the world. Depending on their progression after settling in and having given no 1 hive a bit more time for eggs or larvae to be seen I presently plan to unite no 1 (the wbc hive) with this new colony. I will then think about selling the wbc so all my hives are interchangeable. The new hive is sited in a sheltered spot at the end of one of the sheds. I will probably relocate the rest of the apiary to...
Had a phone call to say some bees available so before following up I had another look into both q- hives. Very pleased to see no. 2 (the July split) has early stage larvae! Couldn't see eggs at last check but obviously there must have been some. No. 1 still no sign of any development so I will go and look at the bees on offer. Bringing in new genetic material can only be a positive development I think, as long as they are healthy, hard working and good natured.
As a new beekeeper I thought I was doing well, but am confused now & would appreciate experience on something. Background - I've captured a swarm that came from my hive 3 weeks ago. A queen cell was capped about the same time & the original queen was ageing with some drone brood in worker cells. Checked hives 2 days ago: old colony is nearly all drones, very little brood; new colony has fantastic brood in all stages. Questions - 1 Could the old colony have sent a supersedure queen with the swarm? 2 Any hope for the colony left behind? What next? Answers appreciated.
Carried out an inspection of all four hives. No 1 which had produced both swarm had no eggs or larvae. Couldn't find a queen but hatched empty queen cell seen. Wondering if the virgin made it back from a mating flight? The bees were quiet and tolerant and still bringing in stores. No 2 hive also devoid of eggs or larvae but similarly docile. Could be another lost queen or just slow? I will give them a week then decide whether to requeen or unite with a queened hive for winter. No 3 (prime swarm) has drawn good comb and has BIAS with good pattern and queen busily laying. No 4 (cast swarm) busy drawing comb. Two quarts of syrup has been consumed and the bees are filling cells with syrup so having been kickstarted the feeder taken off. No...
Scandal does a paycheck good. Although he was ousted from office as Pennsylvania State University President, Graham Spanier still topped the list of highest paid college presidents.? Spanier racked up ? ?for the? 2011-12 fiscal ?year, ?according to a report by the Chronicle of Higher Education. ? He was fired as president of Pennsylvania State University in November 2011 for allegedly mishandling a child-sex-abuse scandal involving former assistant football coach Jerry?Sandusky. Looking a bit deeper into Spanier's paycheck, we found he actually took a 46% pay cut to his base salary, which fell from $660,000 to $350,000. The bulk of his salary came from a $1.2 million severance package after his firing and more than $1.2...
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