Queen Bee
How about a "mesh sugar shaker" ?|countryGB&cr=countryUK|countryGB
They would be okay, as long as the mesh hole size is big enough to allow mites to pass through easily.
How about a "mesh sugar shaker" ?|countryGB&cr=countryUK|countryGB
Thanks. The mesh on the models illustrated looks rather too fineHow about a "mesh sugar shaker" ?|countryGB&cr=countryUK|countryGB
see attached pdf
It makes you question the effectiveness of icing sugar in varroa removal as shown in the video. Would you get the same numbers dropped merely by shaking bees without it? Its important because the subsequent calculations on varroa populations in the hive are assuming 100% efficiency of removal with the icing sugar roll.
I wonder if there is a mistunderstanding here in that the video is testing to see if or what percentage (highly unlikely I think) of varroa are present...
I shall let you figure out the answer to this question you are all expectant about all by yourself, simply by suggesting you look up work by Kate Thompson.
The forum has watched, with interest, Catherine Thompson's PhD work
Yet another peer reviewed research paper not worth a damn then.
However, the nature of a PhD is to expound and prove a hypothesis .
quoting Kate Thompson as a point of reference does not really cut it as far as I am concerned. Sorry ..
Close, but really it's to test a novel idea not necessarily prove it.However, the nature of a PhD is to expound and prove a hypothesis ... so a thesis has to be produced.
The worst possible case scenario is to think you know the answer before you do the research
I always taught people to examine the data. The premises assumed may be open to debate but .
Which is more or less what she did - selecting only the areas of the country more likely to qualify her theory ranging far and wide and chasing (anecdotal admittedly) evidence a bit further away from varroa 'ground zero' might have resulted in a slightly more credible paper