Jusat make sure it's only rotten wood you've collected - remember, not evrything that is brown and sticky is neccessarily a stick, especially if you have dog walkers about
It would take a clever dog to replicate a standing dead wood rotten stick.
Jusat make sure it's only rotten wood you've collected - remember, not evrything that is brown and sticky is neccessarily a stick, especially if you have dog walkers about
I can think of one HM. I used to move 600 triples (2 deeps and a super) to apples by hand, and a week later back out to the apiaries. Small wonder why I hate moving bees.
dispatching diseased colonies QUOTE]
That gets my vote, too. I've only had to do it once, and fortunately(?) not my bees. Hope I never have to do it again, though.