Wood Turning!

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That's beautiful :winner1st:

Thank you ... looks better in the photo than it does in the flesh ... it had a candle in the middle of it - lit the candle on Xmas day and nearly set fire to the house ! Not the best design ... It did win the beginners section but all that does is say something for the other turners !:ban::winner1st:
That's beautiful.
I'm back to the garden dibber stage again after 16yrs. without a gouge in my hands.

That's beautiful.
I'm back to the garden dibber stage again after 16yrs. without a gouge in my hands.


Hi Tim,

I'm only a dibber or so ahead of you ... I had a 45 year break away from a lathe and only started again last September ... it's not even like riding a bike ... it doesn't come back quickly. It took a while to renew my aquaintance with the skew chisel in particular ... it's still a bit of a love/hate relationship with the thing. What I have discovered is the Oval skew chisel (got one for Xmas !) which wasn't around when I was last turning ... much more forgiving.

There's also things like Scroll Chucks now which weren't around when I was a lad ... not that I've got one yet - will have to save up a bit - I'm stuck with making timber jam chucks, pin chucks and using backplates with paper joints for the time being. That's probably one of the reasons for lots of matchsticks as my accuracy is a bit 'eyeball, near enough'.

What I did pick up (and it has helped with the accuracy) is a digital vernier off fleabay - only £7 and it's brilliant. Much better than I expected, took a bit of time to get here from China but worth the wait.
Sorry Pargyle,
When I bought my lathe (Coronet no.3) S/hand it came with a scroll chuck with 2 sets of jaws and a Craft Supplies combination chuck that seems to have all of the additional bits.
I used the dovetail jaws on a few bowls and the the result is great.
Now I've just gotten over the fear of attacking a 2X2 bit of Oak with a roughing out gouge again. A bit of wood spinning at 2000 rpm. and you're about to shove a chisel in it's path!!
Tim bee-smillie
Sorry Pargyle,
When I bought my lathe (Coronet no.3) S/hand it came with a scroll chuck with 2 sets of jaws and a Craft Supplies combination chuck that seems to have all of the additional bits.
I used the dovetail jaws on a few bowls and the the result is great.
Now I've just gotten over the fear of attacking a 2X2 bit of Oak with a roughing out gouge again. A bit of wood spinning at 2000 rpm. and you're about to shove a chisel in it's path!!
Tim bee-smillie

Those chucks of yours are exactly what I need in due course but there's a real upturn (sorry !) in wood turning at present and second hand chucks are going for nearly the cost of new ones.... ridiculous. I've even noticed the cost of old British lathes going through the roof - I've got a Myford ML8 - another bit of British engineering like your Coronet - I bought it last year along with some chisels and a few other bits (it's in pretty good condition although it's only about 10 years younger than me !) for £100 but I couldn't find another one for less than about £180 now ! Some very scary prices for them on eflay ... one exactly like mine went for £315 last week ..


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