Winter Sales - Are they worth the wait?

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Stock is wonderful to have when inflation rages.

Stock goes up in value.


Looks like a case for an investment opportunity here. I'm getting less than 1% interest on my savings down the high street. So buying some 'budget' stock now and holding over in storage until the new year means my capital investment has grown by the rate of inflation, which is higher than interest, without depreciation. Potentially I could sell it on at a profit - whahey!! ;)
who needs links anyway - when i google modern beekeeping my top four hits point me at the correct site.

and yes they do do just poly hives - you'd have thought that fact might have been mentioned in a thread at some point over last two years !!!!
"So buying some 'budget' stock now and holding over in storage until the new year means my capital investment has grown by the rate of inflation, which is higher than interest, without depreciation. Potentially I could sell it on at a profit - whahey!! "

or buy up loads of sorry looking equipment and sell for more than new gear at the bee auctions next spring!!! even better return.
So consensus so far is that there is no real difference in the longevity of the product between budget and 1st class :). That's good to know.

It isn't true though. Apparently the budget stuff isn't Western Red Cedar and does need preserved if you want it to last. I was told by a man who should know.

I give up - why does the software mess up URLs - it seems to serve no purpose apart from effing things up unneceesarily????

Forum policy I'm afraid.
Apparently the budget stuff isn't Western Red Cedar and does need preserved if you want it to last. I was told by a man who should know.

According to Thxxnes website the budget boxes are "Made from home grown Cedar from sustainable forests "

I bought one earlier this year and it was fine apart from one of the side rails being warped - replaced by Thxxnes without question.
'Cedar' covers a range of different timbers. I was given to understand that the budget stuff isn't Western Red Cedar and does need some kind of preservative ... but as there are experts on this on the forum I hope that someone can explain better.
who needs links anyway
Hmm - let's see... One click vs typing it into Google, looking at results, choosing etc etc.

Might be policy but can anyone explain how staring out links to the largest UK supplier's website link achieves anything. Especially on a moderated forum like this one!!!

"So buying some 'budget' stock now and holding over in storage until the new year means my capital investment has grown by the rate of inflation, which is higher than interest, without depreciation. Potentially I could sell it on at a profit - whahey!! "

If you watch fleabay come the spring there are always some 'bees on a budget' hives that someone has put together selling as 'cedar hives' for a good return on the original investment.
A Cedar super should out last you

..and so do you leave them natural, as apparently cedar has that ability to preserve itself naturally, or coat them. If the latter, how soon after you get them?

When you factor in the cost of 20 super frames and wax and 11 brood frames and wax, thrown in the Budget range, you're getting back to that £80 on the sale, Pete. Unless quality was better?
Beeline, T'orne uses Dulux Brilliant White. I have that from the horse's mouth ;)
However, my house is built from Western Red Cedar and is untreated.
Your choice.
"Apparently the budget stuff isn't Western Red Cedar and does need preserved if you want it to last. I was told by a man who should know." Gavin

Think you may be right as I noticed the western red cedar hive stand I bought from P**nes was distinctly darker in colour than my budget hives. A coat of preservative should do the trick though.

Logic said I don't need more stuff until the new year however I couldn't hold back - bought a complete shopping list last night. This is really addictive as there is always a reason to buy more kit. Anyway it'll give me a reason to sit in the garage over the winter break and knock them together for the spring, aided by my trusty bottle of homemade sloe gin. Only consumed for medicinal reasons of course. :eek:
Th**nes advertising a sale at their Windsor branch on 10 September from 10am til 1pm. Not sure if it is worth the trek across. Are we talking 10% off everything or more :rolleyes:

Not a winter sale .........more end of summer.
Th**nes advertising a sale at their Windsor branch on 10 September from 10am til 1pm. Not sure if it is worth the trek across. Are we talking 10% off everything or more :rolleyes:

Not a winter sale .........more end of summer.

Not much of a trek, Windsor's not far from Surrey unless they've moved it since I was last there! :biggrinjester:
Are we talking 10% off everything or more

Don't ask us! we know no more than you!

Perhaps an email to Th*rne might elicit a sales price list, or at least for some items you may be interested in.

An advert like that is the type I would ignore, unless very adjacent.

Th**nes will send out an email to customers who have purchased online with them(well most anyway).

Members in the past have been good enough to copy it and start a thread for everyone to see whats on offer as soon as they receive the email..

Here is the list from last years winter sale:Thornes winter sale
Not much of a trek, Windsor's not far from Surrey unless they've moved it since I was last there! :smilielol5: Hmmmm :rolleyes:

Windsor is 1hr away for me mate!! so it's no hop and a skip.

RAB - seems you need to take those pills again. You're becoming grumpy, unhelpful and a right real pain in the * :)
Luckily we know there is a pleasant and helpful side to you, at times. ;)

Thanks for the old link Admin - I'll take a browse.

If you go to the Tho**** try to go with a few friends -leave one to act as a guard- an almighty scrum when they ring the bell and people aren't always polite!!

Garden trolley for transport is always useful

Went to Stockbridge last year -just for a look-- and bought loads
"Windsor is 1hr away for me mate!! so it's no hop and a skip."

maybe - but Surrey extends quite close - Egham is only 5 miles from Windsor.
RAB - seems you need to take those pills again. You're becoming grumpy, unhelpful and a right real pain in the *

Sorry, but, the plain blunt facts of the situation, as I perceive them.

I know it doesn't really help, but that is what I would do.

Get it from 'the horses mouth' so as to speak. By all means check out last years prices or even the year before that. Fact is it won't help.

Gil is probably the person to contact for a list. Then decide if it is worth the trek. Until then we are all in the dark. Mushroom system?

Bet that the bottom line for this thread will be you will not be sure until the list is available.

Not bl**dy grumpy, just down to Earth, feet on the ground and giving an honest, clear appraisal. So there!!:):):):smilielol5:

Regards, RAB
- no more info when you click on it!

"Windsor is 1hr away for me mate!! so it's no hop and a skip."

maybe - but Surrey extends quite close - Egham is only 5 miles from Windsor.

on a good day it is 1hr from me. on a bad bad it could be 3hr or 4hr, with 2hr at least of that crawling in the car through roadworks on the M25

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