That would be a YES.
If you have colonies/nucs that are queenless today, your options really are to buy a queen, donate a queen cell or merge.
The first option costs money but saves time.
The second option, if the queen emerges in a week, is mated and starts laying in three weeks will produce bees in three weeks and foragers three weeks later. The best part of nine weeks, just in time to wave goodbye to a summer crop.
The third option is to merge the failing colony/nuc with another colony so that the bees and emerging brood reinforce that colony and their foraging efforts to bring in a summer crop. Having done so, then the colony can be split later back into the colony and a nuc at your convenience at will with a purchased queen or as a suitable virgin becomes available, in time to build up for entry into the winter.
There are obviously other options, but let's not confuse the issue.
It used to be easy to buy breakfast cereal, corn flakes, wheatabix or shredded wheat. Nowadays the selection is vast and all the kids want is the toy, a bit of distraction. Give em porridge, keep it simple and the kids regular