Who wants a £25 M & S voucher?

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Queen Bee
Mar 4, 2011
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I bought house insurance from 'policy expert' via confuseddotcom. As a result if you happen to be getting insurance through the same firm and quote EM20602070 then we both get a £25 M&S voucher......worth a try!
They were over £100 cheaper than anyone else with loads of free extra's.
Wine ........
I got £60 M&S voucher back through quidco, just spent it on wine as i couldnt find anything else i wanted.
They were over £100 cheaper than anyone else with loads of free extra's.
When did the insurance companies decide that anyone with an ounce of loyalty was a mug to be exploited?

We got a renewal quote for annual house insurance from the nodding dog people that looked a bit steep. Along with an "automatic renewal" hidden in the text. Price comparison sites produced quotes of less than a third of the cost, including one of only 20 quid more than the lowest from the same nodding dog lot. Rang them to say we wouldn't renew, which prompted a "thanks for renewing" letter. Cue another phone call and a mental note not to use them again under any circumstances.
on some there is a box to tick, if you don't want to automatic renewal you have to tick box , fell for that one once not again double check all
When did the insurance companies decide that anyone with an ounce of loyalty was a mug to be exploited?

We got a renewal quote for annual house insurance from the nodding dog people that looked a bit steep. Along with an "automatic renewal" hidden in the text. Price comparison sites produced quotes of less than a third of the cost, including one of only 20 quid more than the lowest from the same nodding dog lot. Rang them to say we wouldn't renew, which prompted a "thanks for renewing" letter. Cue another phone call and a mental note not to use them again under any circumstances.

That's why I use comparison sites every year. Stay with the same company for more than one year and your premium will rise dramatically, in my experience anyway!
When did the insurance companies decide that anyone with an ounce of loyalty was a mug to be exploited?

My home insurance renewal came through about double what I paid the company online as a new customer. Using a price comparison site the same company....lo and behold....came up with a price less than I had paid that last year (i.e. more than a 50% saving). I phoned them up and they told me that If I applied online I would be a new customer and would lose my 10% no claims bonus. I suspect they haven't got enough fingers to count with :)
My home insurance renewal came through about double what I paid the company online as a new customer. Using a price comparison site the same company....lo and behold....came up with a price less than I had paid that last year (i.e. more than a 50% saving). I phoned them up and they told me that If I applied online I would be a new customer and would lose my 10% no claims bonus. I suspect they haven't got enough fingers to count with :)

Its the same with car insurance.
Both my cars are covered by classis car insurance so not effected too much.
My big red beast has gone down £30 this year. £145. Fully comp, £300 windsceen cover. Key replacement. Agreed value cover....Loan car, etc etc.

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