Where the entrance should be

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No, in the hottest parts of summer they very much try to cool the hive, by fanning wings etc, and bearding if needed.

If I had wooden hives, and your setup, I would take the side insulation off for summer, but leave the roof insulation.
I agree, insulation above the crown board does help to cool hive down also in summer, last summer someone I know recorded 50c/55c above a cb without insulation with insulation 40c so it works both ways.
Q. Will the girls collect water to help humidity / temp control?
Tells rather well how keepers influence the hive design. Thought it a little mean not to mention that Langstroth's hive started out as double wall hive; Langstroth even predicted that Americans would make it into a single skin one.
From what I've read, wasn't he also super keen on top ventilation?
I look the need of ventilation from the number of ventilating bees on the entrance.

I have in every box a entrance hole and I know how many holes I keep open in summer or in winter. It does not need much brain.