I may be wrong, but the bees that we have that produce honey etc. for us 'greedy' humans were developed by us, over many years. Originally, in Europe, they came from forest honey bees. A real breakthrough came with Brother Adam who developed the 'Buckfast' strain in the early 20th century, though many may dispute that. These bees produced a lot more honey than any colony required. They were bred to be more productive, so 'modern' beekeeping took off. Before that, colonies were often destroyed every year to harvest the honey.
We now have 'unnatural' domestic bees, like we have 'unnatural' horses and cattle.....even wolves.....oops....sorry Chihuaha's!
Us Beeks in general love our bees and do our best to look after them. Okay, some vegetarians and ALL vegans disagree with what we do. Personally I think that is just the way things are. We give....we take....we give more....we take more. I have never met a Beek that doesn't give a lot more back to their bees and surrounding environment than they actually take.
If you don't agree with the system we are all in.....don't do it.....don't use the produce etc.!
The above may be a bit simplistic, but so was the original comment?