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Jul 8, 2010
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None of my own
We're getting some small droplets of water falling out of the sky today. They are a bit like those featured in most Welsh sporting occasions, but I dont recall seeing them around here before.

Does anyone know if they are harmful to humans or bees? I'm worried they may affect my trip to the golf course planned for this afternoon.
The only droplets of water seen lately in Welsh sporting events were tears of anger, sadness and frustration. I think the Sunshine home in Dublin* will now also be taking 'Irish' referees with more than a dash of French blood so eager for his 15 minutes of immortality he forgot his 'neutrality'
But let's not forget the poor kicking as well (in reality if it wasn't for that a 14 man team would have won)
*I quote Max Boyce

I am an entertainer
And I sing for charity
For Oxfam and for Shelter
For those worse off than me.

Bangladesh, Barnado’s Homes,
And though I don’t get paid
It does one good to work
For things like Christian Aid.

But of all the concerts that I’ve done
For the homeless overseas
The one I did that pleased me most
Was not for refugees.

Twas for a home in Ireland
That stands amongst the trees
The Sunshine Home in Dublin
For blind Irish Referees.

looks like the rains clearing round here this morning
"I'm worried they may affect my trip to the golf course planned for this afternoon."

i'd cancel just in case and spend the afternoon propping up the bar in the Brownlow if i were you.
"I'm worried they may affect my trip to the golf course planned for this afternoon."

i'd cancel just in case and spend the afternoon propping up the bar in the Brownlow if i were you.

If only, the place is very picky about when it opens, not before 6 (and not at all on a Monday)

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