What way should I go with Brood Boxs?

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Field Bee
Oct 3, 2010
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Normal for Norfolk.
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I have three colonies thus far, two on double BS national BBs, the other on a 14x12 national.
I tried the 14x12 after I had to put the other hives on a double BB.
I have to say I like the ease of the 14x12 over the double BBs, but here is my problem.

I bought a load of BS national BBs and frames in the sales last year, but not the foundation as yet for those.
I have just bought an eke that converts the standard national BB to a 14x12 and they look very simple to make.
So, should I convert all of them over to 14x12 by making up a load of ekes and buying the 14x12 frame side bars so they fit the larger BBs. Then order the larger foundation to fit the 14x12 frames.
Or would I be better off sticking with the standard nationals? I can’t make up my mind which way to go!!!

You have tried standard deeps, double deeps and 14 x 12 and can't make up your mind?

This thread ain't gonna help, then, is it?

It is your personal choice, nobody else's.

I run 14 x 12 top bee space on all my hives, but there are a lot out there on a single deep, quite a lot on double broods, some on brood-and-a-half and some on other types of hive. Pros and cons for all of them. Most (in the UK) are on bottom bee space.

Still your choice; don't blame anyone for persuading you one way or another, later.

With only three colonies and being at the start of the season, I have the choice still to go one way or the other, before I make any increases or splits etc.

This being only my second year with bees I haven’t had enough experience with different types of hives, so don’t know which way would be best to go.

Not looking to blame anyone for offering advice that I may or may not take up, just the advice from other people that have already been down that road and with a few more years under their belt than myself. Then maybe I can learn from what they have done or would like to have done themselves.


I started on BS Nationals, needed to up-size so went to brood-and-a-half, hated it, so have decided to go all 14x12.

I think you should choose, one way or another, and then go all out / stick with your decision for at least 2 seasons, before re-visiting and deciding again.

I vote 14x12!
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OK, I started on deeps in National and WBC.

Decided WBC was not for me and even National deeps were too small. Probably my second year I tried a 14 x 12, changed to top bee space and intoduced my bees to OMFs either that winter (as a trial). So probably the next year I was altering all my kit to what I have now. I still allow her to lay upstairs if she needs more room - I learned early on that restricted laying space leads to early swarming.

i`m at the same stage as you, and i think i`m going to go double brood, for the simple reason i have read quite a number of times as rab says above that even with 14x12 it isnt always enough and you end up going to 14x12 and a half anyway.
I personally find double brood much easier - everything is the same size etc.
But it all depends on you and your bees - some colonies just don't need that amount of space and others do.
Whatever you decide I'd avoid brood and half like the plague - it's a pain in the neck with everything being different sizes.
i helped out as a child in the sixties on brood and a half , when i came back to beekeeping i chose extra deep boxes (ie 14x12)

i have some standard deep boxes with 90mm ekes but prefer the type of eke that go under the brood box rather than £hornes Eke that goes on top
I planned to change 3 double brood Nationals to 14 x 12 this Spring. I managed to condense 2 of them into a single National and put a 14 x 12 on top. They are expanding nicely into the bigger format and the queens have been up and eggs are present. The 3rd one expanded so quickly that there was no chance to condense it and it now has 2 supers and will have to wait until next year:biggrinjester:

IMO 14 x 12 or bigger (in my case Commercial 16 x 12) is the way to go. Standard National broods are easily modified to the bigger format and supers fit both - win win:sifone:

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