what transport do use for beekeeping

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Does anyone else drive in their beesuit with the veil done up?:rolleyes:

I have been trying to work out which is the lesser of two evils, not being able to see as well or being stung in the head while driving along. Invariably I end up with a van full of loose angry bees when I have taken the supers off.
It's not likely to happen near my home as the police only seem to visit once in living memory, but I do occasionally wonder what might happen if one was stopped by the police whilst transporting bees inside a vehicle and whether they'd have the good sense to leave well alone.

It sometimes happens when I collect a swarm that I leave the box on site and tell the owner of the property that I'll just turn up and collect it around dusk and that I won't bother them. It wouldn't take a great leap of imagination on the part of an uninformed neighbour to think that I was up to something less well-intentioned and to call the police.


a mate in a neighbouring assositation got pulled driving bees around and he had the suit on. the cop seemed to think he had less visibility in the suit and thats why he pulled him. neway he let the cop try on the veil and all was well with the world. so he got his veil back and went to get back in the van opened the door and a few errant bees came out and followed the cop up the road. he heard about 2 weeks later of him that they followed about 200 yards but no stings.
ps this is irish countryside bobbys not those efficiant fellas you have over there.
I tried driving with the veil up once but it's not safe IMO.

Usually when driving with a few loose bees the movement makes them congregate on the rear window.
I'm not that bothered with swarms, but when I have loose bees in the truck when I've collected supers I tend to drive with my bee suit on and the hood thrown back so I can pull it on quickly and with all the car windows wide open.
