New Bee
Hi everyone,
Yes this is my first post so 'yes' I am a beginner and 'yes' will probably be asking lots of dumb questions.
I got my colony late in the year and decided not to worry too much about getting and honey from it and to let it build up for the winter.
However the colony has done very well and I put a super on which they filled and I extracted. I put another super on and its about half capped but as I am now in winterfeed/Apiguard/oxalic acid territory should I:-
- extract capped frames and leave others in super for winter feed?
- extract capped frames and take super off to put back next year?
- do something else?
Yes this is my first post so 'yes' I am a beginner and 'yes' will probably be asking lots of dumb questions.

I got my colony late in the year and decided not to worry too much about getting and honey from it and to let it build up for the winter.
However the colony has done very well and I put a super on which they filled and I extracted. I put another super on and its about half capped but as I am now in winterfeed/Apiguard/oxalic acid territory should I:-
- extract capped frames and leave others in super for winter feed?
- extract capped frames and take super off to put back next year?
- do something else?