What is going on with the weather?

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Queen Bee
BeeKeeping Supporter
Jan 13, 2015
Reaction score
Bedfordshire, England
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Quite a few
INSTALLING SUMMER..... ███████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 45% DONE.
Installation failed. 404 error: Season not valid in the UK
INSTALLING SUMMER..... ███████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 45% DONE.
Installation failed. 404 error: Season not valid in the UK

:icon_204-2: like it
Short memories? Not a lot different than April 2012? And that was after a really warm and early start to the season. No surpluse from end of March until about the last week in May, as I recall.

It is the UK. Good climate, but lousy weather. Finman is better off with his bees still resting. At least his weather is more reliable.
Short memories? Not a lot different than April 2012? And that was after a really warm and early start to the season. No surpluse from end of March until about the last week in May, as I recall.
Looking very similar, second week in May before I opened a hive and after a brief, warm spell, the rest of the season was a wash out. Let's hope the rest of the year doesn't follow suit.
No big news weather like this at this time of the year - nobody remember 1980 or was it '81? My mother tells me a story of (I think) it was about 1965 when heavy snow in the village at the end of April shut us in for a week with the factory management down from Birmingham for the day having to be put up in local homes for the whole time they were stranded down here.Being high flying executives and expecting all the mod cons all the coal had to be taken out of the bath and put outside!!!
1981 it was heard it on radio when we had snow this late in the year, just the unpredictable British weather which is great, if a bit unwelcome at times. In my part if the world two mile inland can be 10 degree warmer than here due to the north Sea cooling effect.
No big news weather like this at this time of the year - nobody remember 1980 or was it '81? My mother tells me a story of (I think) it was about 1965 when heavy snow in the village at the end of April shut us in for a week

I remember 1963....now for a young child....THAT was fun

A blizzard over South West England, and South Wales in late December, brought snowdrifts 6m deep. It wasn't a laughing matter anymore. Villages were cut off, power lines where drought down, trains were cancelled. Farmers couldn't reach livestock, and many starved to death. Extremely tragic. From Boxing Day 1962 to early March 1963, much of England was under snow continuously, an amazing feat, 3 months of snow.

Short memories? Not a lot different than April 2012? And that was after a really warm and early start to the season. No surpluse from end of March until about the last week in May, as I recall.

The year I moved to Wales. I seem to remember sooooo much rain. Stan and I moved the four boxes from Cumbria in the rain and arrived in the rain. The bees made themselves a little Balsam Honey. I remember getting really excited seeing all these white bees. :)

I've put pollen patties on my two remaining colonies hoping they might be strong enough to capitalise on the sycamore....even the dandelions aren't opening their eyes for long.

Bizarrely my asparagus is just coming
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I moved my stuffs to the new summer cottage 1.5.1981. I had carry in my sedan. Temps were something +5C and weather was the coldest First of May in Century.

During my driving I got on me a thunder storm and it rained 10 cm snow in an hour.

Radio told, that hottest weather of Firt of May has been +25C and coldest in north -25C. So radio man told, that First of May temperature varies in 50C fork.
im hoping weathers going to pick up got a nuc that's ready for popping its that full just not been able to do it had my pot off now so wanting some good weather to get it done

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