Hi members,
As a complete beginner I was wondering what frames you would suggest using in a mod national hive. Any information regards type, quantity and quality would be appreciated. Regards, Jigsaw.
you will problaly start by buying a Nuc of bees of five or six frames on Hoffman brood frames to put in your new empty standard brood box ( you will then add perhaps with two dummy frames to make up space and two new fresh frames)
so in the first year you would only need to buy a pack of ten hoffman (called DN4s) brood frames to make the full eleven hoffmans in a brood box ( the full brood box will be 6 new plus five from the nuc,as the bees increase and you tremove the dummy frames), use the remaining 4 frames the next year to replace 30% of frames in spring, and so on 30% each year
you will also need ten sheets of brood foundation and enough super frames (sn1)and super size wax foundation to fill your supers
i expect you ( if any at all) will in the first year only need one super and ten SN1 frames and foundation but better better buy enough for two supers at least
what make of frame...does it matter, i think they are all about the same, what wax foundation, well in a brood box i prefer KBS of hastings wired foundation but other like thornes premium wired foundation
what to use in a super well whatever comes to hand. KBS is quicker to be drawn but i am not that organised to buy it in bulk
plastic frames and foundation...never tried it and its normally only made for langstroth hives
size: well most hive sold are standard brood, which means in the south and with carnie bees, you need a brood and ahalf ( ie brood +super) in the second year or double brood...
unless you are mad klike me and use 14x12 brood box and i want to also try small 4.9mm cells foundation (DEFINITLY MAD)... with 14X12 less bits avaiable such as frame feeder or nuc on 14x12)
hope that helps