What do you do with your excess 'thymolised' syrup stores come Spring?

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Haughton Honey

Drone Bee
Apr 15, 2009
Reaction score
South Cheshire
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Lots of Commercial hives.......
An open question to the forum *cough*

Fellow apiarists,

What do you do with your frames of sealed, thymolised syrup in the Spring to avoid the honey stored in them being moved up in to supers later on in the season?

Personally, I remove what I can and use them to feed nucs where possible........but I'm intrigued to know what others do.
:iagree: I take off to use when making up nucs and replace with foundation.
I let the bee's remove it into the supers,then extract it and sell to my customers as medicated honey....

Not really.....only joking....use any full frames for nuc's,or backward colonys.
Do you not work your brood box pre putting on your supers?

Do you not work your brood box pre putting on your supers?


Of course. And as you'll know from past conversation/comment PH, being a disciple of Wadey and Sims, my supers ARE brood boxes.

I usually deposit a frame of stores slap bang in the centre of the brood, but a few are removed for use elsewhere (e.g. nucs)

Ok, here's what I do.
You know the rack above the cooking rack on your BBQ.
Well, you place this frame on that rack and start cooking your ribs on the cooking rack below.
As the heat rises, the honey drips and baste the ribs below.
Honey ribs, what could be better.

Thats why I never use brood and a half, its double brood or single, getting rid of supers with thymolised syrup in and keeping them seperate from honey production supers is just another pain in the a**e I can do without.

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