Queen Bee
Thanks HM, blimey 3kg!
Getting to be expensive stuff, but very useful, generally use about 8kg per season.
Thanks HM, blimey 3kg!
Also remembered (just) to reduce the entrance down to its winter configuration and to replace the varroa board under the mesh.
Many would advise not leaving varroa board on over winter
but close roof ventilation
Many would advise not leaving varroa board on over winter but close roof ventilation by putting an insulated board (Kingspan, Celotex etc) under the roof.
"before applying the firsst treatment of Apiguard" from Samurailord. Or would you prefer the apiguard to be ineffective.
Nowhere in the apiguard instructions does it tell you to ventilate the hive - apart from to leave a full entrance.
apart from to leave a full entrance.
What I did today:
Visited apiary to destroy Qcells in a poorly expanding (over 2 years) colony that I rendered Qless 72 hours ago in order to introduce a purchased Q due to arrive by post today. Arrgh, there were no Q cells! Despite a careful search I could not find a (probably supercedure) Q. There were plenty of one day-old larvae presumably laid by the culled Q. Very occasional eggs.
I could not risk introducing an expensive Q which might be killed by a resident Q so made up a Qless nuc from another colony and introduced the new Q to that. However I did not remove the plastic tab covering the fondant but will do so tomorrow by which time I hope the nuc will accept her. Is this what you would have done?