What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Numerous little tasks, poured on copious quantities of top feed for Fridays nights cut out, moved an older cut out colony up to 10 frame Dadant. Combined another 10 frame Dadant, (just testing my hernia.:icon_204-2:).

Had a quick look at both my hives to see if the new queens have got into their stride
BIAS in both :winner1st::winner1st:
I know bee numbers won't increase for another couple of weeks, when the new brood starts emerging, but I'm very happy that things seem to be going in the right direction after all the kerfuffle at the beginning of June
You never know I might even be able to nick one frame of honey in a month just to whet the appetite for next year's endeavours :)
They are firsts bought cheaper than seconds from someone who has gone over to apimaye hives. I love a bargain lol.
Checked on the new hive , working their little socks off on the Chestnut . Hive 1 , super fully drawn and filled but not capped , another super added . Hive 2 , broad box full , super added . Hive 3 , this was the emergency hive made up of 2 supers when an Italian swarm arrived from nowhere . Placed new floor and broad box next to hive 3 and lift 2 very heavy supers on top of the new broad box . All went surprisingly well .
Added two queen cells to the hive today, bit concerned though as there isn't any laying space now that they e filled two broods and three supers.
Marked a queen for the first time, a queen raised by our bees and successfully mated and laying brood, very satisfying :)

Checked on the new hive , working their little socks off on the Chestnut . Hive 1 , super fully drawn and filled but not capped , another super added . Hive 2 , broad box full , super added . Hive 3 , this was the emergency hive made up of 2 supers when an Italian swarm arrived from nowhere . Placed new floor and broad box next to hive 3 and lift 2 very heavy supers on top of the new broad box . All went surprisingly well .

Sounds good, pleased all went well.

Checked association apiary hive (mine being left alone to give the new queen a chance to mate), ws looking a bit poorly (3 frames brood last week) this week 7 frames BIAS so the weather seems to have perked her up. Demonsterated a mock A/s for the begiiners.
Tonight - decided to cose up the occupied bait hive on the field and move to Garn Cottage in readiness for hiving - all went well until I slipped and box went tumbling down into the small ravine next to the tree! :eek::hairpull:
Noticed a pool of honey in the jeep as I opened the boot,Got the hive into it's new location and opened up: Bees tumbled out looking a bit honey sodden and subdued, so I can only hope they're allright when I check tomorrow - we live and learn :) But I can have another go and get it right as the Garn cottage bait hive has just picked up a swarm (15 feet up - so I'll get a man in to help :D)
Checked hived nuc, all going well. Still a bit tetchy.
DLQ in nuc got a reprieve, for now, signs of worker brood being laid.
Hive left with 1 QC, now has laying queen and BIAS :D:D:D:D
Final hive, queen laying well, BIAS.
Good weekend, well improving after Friday.
Ordered four supers and frames after today's inspection. This hot weather is making up for the late start to the year.
On sunday extracted 3 supers and one brood box of honey & return wets. Off two hive's think i'm up to a total of 305lbs of honey in my first honey year absolutley shocked!

The OSR is finally showing signs of defeat too, if I can get a mid week extracting in a week and half should be ok. Problem is I now need to order more honey buckets 10+ already used!
Inspected all - swarm (hive #4) now has laying queen :)

Hive #3 - Took one super, 1 waiting to be capped and gave another

Hive #2 - Nuc - needs to be moved up to full hive next week.

Hive #1 - HM got through the QE AGAIN - and has laid in the supers (argh), despite the BB being empty :( Also found almost sealed QC so took off a nuc and put it in shade
for now - we shall see.
Lunch break inspections. :)

Inspected the first colony (H.M. Aisha): brood box full of everything but very little expansion into the next box up. BIAS, plenty of stores etc. Removed some brace comb they had started to fill with nectar.

Inspected the swarm-into-a-bait-hive (H.M Margaret): happily drawing uncoated plastic frames (a bit surprised), full of eggs with stores rolling in, too. Would probably be better off in a nuc should the weather grow cold.

Not too bad. Turns out the bees holed up in the leftover nuc absconded eventually. Still a fair bit of interest in it so it's staying put on the shed with the occasional re-dressing of lemongrass oil.
Oooooop's, cluster of bees in grass in front of rushette from last Fridays cut out. Closer inspection revealed dead queen at bottom of cluster

As colony very very busy with forage I'll wait a day or two before looking inside on the remote chance that she laid some eggs and they have made a Queen cell, otherwise hive up with some eggs / brood from a donor colony.

Checked mating nucs: all three - hatched in June - were DLQs.

Lousy mating weather and poor drones I assume.

Oh well, try again.
Thanks Chris

Down to experience...

(Until last week it was cold and wet..15C tops most days)

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