I bred a daughter from my HM Q last August after the most scary comedy of literally chasing her across the garden (almost reached for the butterfly net) as she homed back to her Apidea after I "hived" her--she was mated by then, natch--rescuing her from her sisters who were NOT pleased to see her etc etc. So I sort of have a soft spot for her ability to survive my incompetence. Since then she has filled out a double-storey poly nuc and based on entrance traffic is heading my strongest colony. Going to have to promote her from "spare" at some point...

Ha yes, its weird how sometimes the "poxiest" looking queen, that you have as a spare suddenly becomes the strongest layer etc in the whole Apiary.
I caught a very small swarm once, overwintered in a nuc and it was bigger in early march that it was in the previous November when i last had a peek. Well, say no more, two great honey crops and made two colonies from her and she carried on until last year, her third year! If only they were all like that!!
Theres a lot of talk of always buying stock from profession breeders, but to quote Mike, "You can make a few good queens, from less than ideal stock, under ideal conditions, rather than struggling to get perfect genetics for grafting in to less than ideal conditions!!"
Sometimes the best genetics are in your own back yard, its the conditions they come together under, thats the challenge to get right!!
Nice to have spares though!!!!!