up early this morning - Last night,forecast didn't look too promising for the day, especially the afternoon and I had my large Sunday apiary to feed and vape.
Timed it just right, when I went up to let the chickens out it was a steady, miserable heavy drizzle, although the bees at the home apiary were ignoring it totally and there was a heavy traffic of foragers hammering the ivy, by the time I'd breakfasted and my brain had booted up it had dried up (with even the occasional glimpse of blue sky) and although dull, it was not cold at the range for me to unload all the syrup for that apiary, top up the feeders and crank up the varrox. Midday arrived and I had just packed up and caught the end of the archers as I drove home - and the rain arrived with a vengeance, it's been pissistently ever since