Nice easy swarm collection this morning. The call said they were in a small tree but were actually low down in a Leptospermum bush. I managed to shake them into a nuc but the reaminder took a while to all go in and it wasn't until it started pouring that I got most of them in, even though the rest of the gang were Nasonoving like mad at the entrance.
On the way back, I had an SOS from a fellow beekeeper who's bees had swarmed onto a fence post in her garden. She has developed a reaction to stings & is waiting for her new epipen. By this time it's bucketing down so I'm out in the pouring rain, scooping bees off the post into a spare hive and trying to smoke the rest of them up from the floor. They were absolutely sodden and very cross and I'm glad I took my leather gauntlets just in case as they were covered in stings by the time we had (we hoped) most of them and the queen in the box. She just called to say they were still all there, so all good.
Then home for a well deserved cuppa and to dry out! Wet through to my smalls.
I'm dropping the easy swarm off at one of the newish beeks hives this evening as she lost her bees over winter - they were a tiny cast swarm late in the season, so probably didn't build up enough. We're going to OA trickle them to mop up any mites that might have been passengers and i'll leave her 4 pints of 1:1 thymolised syrup to feed them in a few days (only if they need it) as weather looks a bit pants for the next week here.
Hoping these bees will do better.
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