New Bee
I moved seven hives into peach orchards in the united states which are a good month and a half early this year. All my hives are very busy
I moved seven hives into peach orchards in the united states which are a good month and a half early this year. All my hives are very busy
I'm starting to worry about swarming already.
Well excitement today.
Lovely and sunny so decided to take a look inside. Now a longstanding and very experienced local beekeeper said when he found the queen he always put it in a clip and kept it in his pocket while going through the hive. So I thought I'll try this. Found the queen and got her in the clip, but unfortunately several others crept in as well.
Opened the clip a fraction to let the others out and dropped the queen in the long grass!!
Ten minutes of frantic searching managed to find her again and get her back inside..phew!! Won't do that again.
Apart from that everything fine, brood eggs food and pollen coming in.
Well excitement today.
Lovely and sunny so decided to take a look inside. Now a longstanding and very experienced local beekeeper said when he found the queen he always put it in a clip and kept it in his pocket while going through the hive. So I thought I'll try this. Found the queen and got her in the clip, but unfortunately several others crept in as well.
Opened the clip a fraction to let the others out and dropped the queen in the long grass!!
Ten minutes of frantic searching managed to find her again and get her back inside..phew!! Won't do that again.
The four hives don't have mouse guards but are on Dartington type floors, leaving me to think perhaps having to negotiate a vertical 10 mil slot is causing the bees to loose their pollen loads ?
- maybe I should have added 'so far' - just got back for my days off and the bees are, well, busy - carrying massive loads of yellow pollen and maybe a bit of hazel into all three hives and yes they are dropping a few pellets of yellow pollen on the alighting board, maybe it's something peculiar to willow?Haven't noticed it at all with mine VM