I have just received 2 lovely grey carnica to test next year (DE-8-5-37-2019 and DE-8-5-41-2019). They were bred by Jan Krauter at the Meileneiche mating station and come highly recommended for hygienic behaviour.
I will introduce them to queenless nucs under a push-in cage this evening and let them establish their own colonies in time for winter.
I am toying with the idea of making some early test runs of daughters from them but my season only has another month to run so any colonies I did make would need support in order to prepare for winter
If anyone is interested, their estimated breeding values(*) are: honey production (112%), defensive behaviour (119%), calmness on the comb (118%), reluctance to swarm (119%), varroa index (118%) which gives a total estimated breeding value of 125%.
*Breeding values are a comparison against the 5-year mean with each 10% above, or below, the mean representing 1 standard deviation