Queen Bee
Both taste jolly nice though
They do i agree,one of my sons shoots a few deer, just about every week in season,mainly red,but a few roe and fallow as well.
Both taste jolly nice though
Job to know which does most damage,them or the deer.
Hmm, yes, they do.Both taste jolly nice though
Had to chop the castellated spacers by 6mm to get to fit but very happy working away.
a poly hive stack went over (no bees)
I had a wooden brood box and three supers full of wet frames go over.
I hadn't thought of weighing them down as the whole lot were in the porch!!!
bees all tucked up due to high winds however a poly hive stack went over (no bees) and removed three corners from poly supers. The stack was tall (strapped) and fairly weighty!! It was windy.