House Bee
Thx for that. It confirms what Vita say about it working better above 15C. Don't know if that will then be so for all thymol treatments. Also wonder about whether there might be a difference with poly hives.
I have used the homemade version recently, and again this year, as it is cheaper, but a very experienced friend said this was mad and Apiguard is better????
Why is it better.
No option for what we do.....firefight as needed during the season and blanket oxalic approx winter solstice.
but vita-europe says it is the activity of the bees that make it effective, ie they must be flying hence the 15c (or 17c europe), it is not just the internal temeperature but the external temperature that define the bees activity , it is the vita-europes viewsnot mine...they make the stuff, ifollow their advice
5. Q: At what time of the year should I use Apiguard?
A: Apiguard is best applied in summer or autumn, outside the period of honeyflow. The external temperature should be above 15°C (60°F), which means that the colony is active. Distribution of
the Apiguard gel depends on the bees transporting it around the hive during the process of hive cleaning, and this activity increases as the external temperature rises. Application during honeyflows should be avoided in case of tainting the honey.
Never lost a colony to varroa yet so will keep on doing what I am doing, my bees are very active at anything above 8/9 deg.
By starting apiguard later say on 29th September then at the end of the application the daytime maximum temperature on 10th Nov in London is 11c...and would have been below the 15c average daily maximum for four weeks