What are these large black bees

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I'm confused (there are those that say that is easily done). I have never come across the use of the word caste when it doesn't apply to all individuals in a group regardless of sex. Yet here it seems to be used to apply (at times or by some) as applying to only members of one sex.
Got to love the English language at times.

cast - caste

Only version of cast I use is when I'm talking about swarms.
Good debate though

There are indeed 3 castes in a beehive whilst only being 2 sexes :)
Just to add confusion , to which cast do laying workers belong? :D
"Even specifying a drone as a male could be challenged, as it is clearly not the same as in most higher species and could quite easily be described as only half a female, it being haploid, not diploid!!"

obviously have to tread carefully around correct use of sex and gender nowadays BUT the phenotypic expression of sex (ie male/female) is entirely independent of chromosomal complement per se and dependent only upon possession of the necessary components of the sex determination mechanism for that species.

so in humans with an XX/XY system all that is necessary for maleness is a single gene on the Y (SRY). likewise in haplo-diploid organisms like the honeybee the drones may only carry half the genetic information BUT since they possess the necessary genotypic attribute ("homozygosity" or rather, lack of heterozygosity, of sex determining gene) they are fully fledged phenotypic males.

DOI: former member of the cambridge research group which had discovered SRY.
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Every honey bee colony comprises of a single queen, few hundred drones and several thousand worker castes of honey bees.

as you can clearly see queen, drones and worker castes
Only version of cast I use is when I'm talking about swarms.

So not an angler/fisherman, Mike?

Rather watch paint dry or read some of the humourless replies on here.

not worthy

He probably has 20/20 vision also

Sadly not, but I can still see eggs without any problems if I hold the frame over a 18" away
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A 'trombonist' who couldn't play it, would not be in the band. Does that mean that if someone cannot see eggs, they cannot be a beekeeper? I think likely not that applicable?:)
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Every honey bee colony comprises of a single queen, few hundred drones and several thousand worker castes of honey bees.

as you can clearly see queen, drones and worker castes

we have all been told three castes but if you want to pass the BBKA modules or other BBKA exam or the national diploma in beekeeping then you have to use in rthe exam the correct scientific version of two castes of female bees plus male drones, male drones cannot be a caste as they are not female

the common usage of three castes of bees has no scientific basis but is of course what nearly everyone says

but saying that we still teach our beginners the common usage of three castes of honeybee but mention the anomaly that scientifically it is only two
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we have all been told three castes but if you want to pass the BBKA modules or other BBKA exam or the national diploma in beekeeping then you have to use in rthe exam the correct scientific version of two castes of female bees plus male drones, male drones cannot be a caste as they are not female

POPPYCOCK.... the Drone is merely a flying gamete !

Anthropomorphic nonsense...bees are insects are they not !
male drones cannot be a caste as they are not female

How long has the word caste been specific to a sex?

All use of caste I have ever come across applied equally to male and female (I am not talking bee specific).
How long has the word caste been specific to a sex?

All use of caste I have ever come across applied equally to male and female (I am not talking bee specific).

i am just repeating what the BBKA exam board ,most modern scientific papers and prof Ratnieks of LASI are expressing.......

.i am not arguing it is correct or incorrect ...i am a physicists not a biologist.....the last biology lesson i went to was 1962

as i said we use the common usage of three caste in our beginners lectures plus the anomaly that for BBKA exams, the BBKA expect you to say two castes not three castes

see my original post 20 and don't shoot the messenger just becauase he tells you information you dislike ( information of the source was in my first post 20 in reply to RABs request for a responce
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