Wet May Day Bank Holiday

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Hello my one reader

Well I sincerely hope you had a better day of weather than we did in North Wiltshire. As I type it's pouring down here - but I can't complain too much as managed to get out earlier around 12 noon and popped on 5 supers onto the WBC colonies. All the frames are foundation bar one in the centre that's drawn comb. I have alot of foundation needing drawing out this year as culled a fair few super frames last year and also melted down a few as they had set OSR in them.

Each colony had also taken down the 5 litres of ambrosia I had fed as a precaution. 50/50 on whether to feed again as weather is improving after today.

And have spent the afternoon finishing off the third article for the local magazine and planning a big gardening project to turn the patch of barely there grass in the back garden into a haven for bees. I have used the book 'Kitchen Garden Estate' that I picked up last week, published by The national trust. Ok. I'll admit one does get delusions of grandeur reading such a tome but it is easy to scale down the ideas into a garden that is 70sq m.

I'll take some before, during and after photos (when it's stopped raining)

Plans for tomorrow as my weather almanac informs me it will be 16 deg C and sunny will be to look through the last 4 colonies, check the others if they need supers, feed the weak ones and Nucs as necessary. The coming week looks to be set for better weather...and swarms no doubt !