weak colony

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New Bee
Aug 25, 2012
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I purchased two nucs at the end of July. One has always been strong and because of decent autumn weather built up well (12 frames) and brought in lots of stores for winter. The other seemed to be at a standstill and has always worried me, it didn't really build up (remained at 5 frames) and didn't bring in a lot of stores. I gave them a lot of syrup during the autumn and hoped for the best all winter. Happily both colonies are alive and I heve been feeding them due to the late spring. Today the weather has been quite nice but still only 9 degrees so I had a quick look in the hives and spend some time watching the activity outside both hives. The stronger colony is very busy bringing in lots of yellow and orange pollen and is still working its way through the fondant I placed last week. The weaker colony is still on 5 frames and is also working its way through the fondant I placed last week but is not very active outside with just two or three bees coming and going. My best guess, and I am prepared for my ignorance to be robustly exposed, is that they haven't yet got the numbers to forage as most bees are required to rear the new brood that the queen has laid (hopefully) and if I keep feeding them and spring arrives all will soon be well. Is there anything else I should be doing to help them?
Did you see the Queen or any brood in the weaker colony?
Hi Isc26,
I didn't want to take out any frames due to the temperature, I understand that its best to wait until we have 15 degrees so I don't really know the situation is down below. Looking between the frames I could see plenty of bees. All the drawn foundation I could see at the top of the frames was empty.
Propably queen had something problems and it was not able to make more brood than it did.
Same continues if it stays alive.

All the drawn foundation I could see at the top of the frames was empty.

The cells may not have been empty.... Uncapped perhaps and therefore have something in them..
Hi Bitbybit,
Unless the weak hive is in the shade you may have queen problems, but you have to wait till full inspection to find out. I take it the colony was Q+ going into winter? Best of luck.
Hi Beeno,
I was worried that it was Queenless at one stage in late autumn as I have never found here (she's not marked and I'm a newbee) and I discovered no brood during one inspection. I put in a frame of brood from my other hive (to keep up morale) and went looking for advice. On my next inspection there was new brood in the hive so I decided she must be there somewhere and started feeding to get them ready for winter. I was delighted that they made it through winter but we have had a few lovely days now and they are not taking the opportunity to forage. If I have a problem queen how soon can I get a replacement? or will the bees decide to supersede her when they get the opportunity?
Hi Beeno,
I was worried that it was Queenless at one stage in late autumn as I have never found here (she's not marked and I'm a newbee) and I discovered no brood during one inspection. I put in a frame of brood from my other hive (to keep up morale) and went looking for advice. On my next inspection there was new brood in the hive so I decided she must be there somewhere and started feeding to get them ready for winter. I was delighted that they made it through winter but we have had a few lovely days now and they are not taking the opportunity to forage. If I have a problem queen how soon can I get a replacement? or will the bees decide to supersede her when they get the opportunity?

Hi Bitbybit,
You have to wait for good weather to make full inspection. If she is no good you don't want her offspring either. However, you are lucky enough to have a strong hive (to pinch some eggs from). Let us know what you find, get another set of hands to help out, and someone more experienced will take you through the procedure. If she is duff it's not your fault! Don't worry you are in control as a beek.

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