.wav Transcription Software for a Mac?

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Drone Bee
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Torpoint, Cornwall
Hive Type
Number of Hives
2 - 14x12
As I get older, I struggle with my short-term memory so at the end of a colony inspection, I found I was struggling to remember found many frames of brood, where the stores were, etc..
The solution I now use is to record the inspections on a small digital sound recorder - e.g "taking out frame number 4, it's got brood in all stages and I see eggs....". It works well but if an inspection takes 45 minutes, retrieving the information accurately also takes 45 minutes plus set-up time.

I'm now wondering if there's some transcription software, for a Mac, out there that I can feed my .wav file into and it will spit out a text transcription from which I can extract the information I need to record on my Hive Record Card.

Please don't suggest something on a smart phone as I don't have one - I just want a recommendation for software (preferably free) for my Macbook that will convert my .wav files from the recorder into readable text.

I have to transcribe recorded interviews and could not find anything satisfactory that automatically converts from audio to text.

I did notice that YouTube videos have a transcription feature - under the video panel to the right hit the 3 dots and select "open transcript", so maybe if you upload to YouTube it does automatic transcription...but not sure you can do that for just audio.

The best solution I found was something called "Transcribe" https://transcribe.wreally.com but all that does is make it easier/faster to transcribe manually.

If you do find one that works well automatically please share!
Well, grandson and I spent an hour trying to get Soundflower to work on my Mac but the OS refused to recognise the software no matter what we tried. There are some American transcription programs that say they do the job but are not free - cheapest was $20 for a year - but it did not do what I wanted. It allowed you to slow down the sound file so that you could manually type the text but it recommended the use of a foot pedal to control the speed.

I'll keep looking.
