One addition i have made for my hornet trap is .Cut the neck off the bottle , slice a section of about 5mm to 1cm from the the top of the bottom section but DO NOT cut all the way through , leave about 2cm connected to the bottom section of the bottle. This section of plastic becomes a hanging strap so you can hang it over branch end or a nail .Take one clear plastic bottle - about 0.5 to 1 litre. Remove top. (and labels)
Cut in half. About half way up.
Place bottom half on table/ground.
Invert top half and place with neck inside bottom half.
Seal two halves together with gaffer tape.
Place under hives or near them where it will not be blown over.
Astoundingly idiotic place to position a wasp trap?
Any wasp attracted to it and not killed will likely target the hive later, bringing with it all its sisters.
Far better using a high efficiency trap close to a hive, I would think. Me? I don't put wasp traps anywhere near hives.
As there are reportedly many more bumbles this year, than last, I expect there will be many more wasp nests also as, unlike last year, the hibernating queens came out much later in the season and have been able to found a new nest far more easily than the in that crazy March weather followed by continual rain of last year.