Wasp problem

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King Scavenger

House Bee
Apr 23, 2014
Reaction score
West Sussex
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Hi All. Will the bees sort out a wasp if it enters the hive? I have put a entrance reducer in to allow the bees to guard better . Am I on the right track?
If the colony is strong enough - probably.
Prime and it was a big one.

Reduce your entrance down even with a piece of sponge. Another thing I use is a small pane of glass . The wasps are frontal attack so hit of the glass. The bees will find their way in and out. I just took some out of a picture frame. Here is a photo from last year .

Don't squash any wasps around hives as that will draw in more.
Good luck!
I like that a lot. Did not know wasps were just frontal attack. im gonna buy me some glass
check out wilko's and other low cost shops for picture frames. gtake the glass ditch the 'orrible frame

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