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Wanted: second-hand / cheap bee-suits.

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Field Bee
Aug 24, 2010
Reaction score
Dorset / East Sussex
Hive Type
Number of Hives
So, as some of you may know, I am now a teacher at a school in Dorset, and am setting up an apiary / beekeeping club there. Thanks to a very kind member on here, we are getting supplied with a couple of nucs at the start of May. I presumed (wrongly) that I would have enough kit to go around, however I have had double figures worth of sign-ups to the club, meaning I am short of suits. Would anyone on here be able to sort me out with some second hand but functional suits for a reasonable price? Even if it's just the one, please DM me!


I've got one of Simonthebeekeeper's suits, good price and works well. Only downside is my chin sometimes pushes against the veil mesh - I did manage to get a very minor sting! Just something to watch out for.
I have the fencing type veil, don't know if the round ones have more chin-space.
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My spare suit is one of those Simon the beekeeper ones; it's a spare because of the chin-related problems mentioned above. I wonder whether the round ones might be better shout.
I have a round hat STBK Buzz suit and I have no problems with getting stung through the veil. I don't really like fencing veils because I always find they collapse against my face, or need a baseball cap underneath. The round hats also have a bit of velcro so that you can adjust the size and elastic around it to keep it on your head really well when leaning forward etc.
The mesh in the veil will eventually wear, usually where it creases when you fold it up. Mine lasted 3 years though, and it's easy to get a replacement hat from STBK for about £8.
I'm hanging up my hat this time around so that I don't have to fold it flat - although I don't mind paying £8 every couple of years.
Waitrose has a charity/trust giving scheme, community matters. Not knowing how your school club or school is set up one could try approaching them to see if funds are available. Esp as it is educational.

John Lewis also and approach Sainsbury's at local level for educational needs.
Building a mesh tunnel in front of these school hives no suits required, may be an idea for larger groups/visitors or open day. Have you got any area with a door that you could put a cage around, accessed from building. All worth consideration.


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I presumed (wrongly) that I would have enough kit to go around, however I have had double figures worth of sign-ups to the club, meaning I am short of suits.
With double figures of sign-ups, have you also factored in double figures of adult bee-knowledgeable supervisors? (Not just adult bee-novice helpers who may be more trouble than the kids?!)
Well there’s myself and another experienced beekeeper running the show. Supervising 10-15 kids. To start with, due to social distancing requirements and their lack of experience, they will be mostly suiting up and watching.
Cage the kids it’s for the best😂
There's a guy named Mike Duckett down your way that sells suits. Maybe some sort of sponsorship deal?

Otherwise have you tried any of the large businesses Thorne, Maisemores etc for sponsors? Or the Community Fund of the National lottery might help out.

I know people on here dislike them but the BBKA has loads of info on setting up school apiaries and things you need to think about. This link will probably get blocked https://www.bbka.org.uk/blogs/schools so you need to look for /blogs/schools on their main site for risk assessments etc.
The bee suits that the main beekeeping supplier shops can be very expensive. I bought a white boiler suit/ coverall from a second hand shop that was cheap and worked perfectly and with a bug veil for a camping shop as all set for my beekeeping!
Only downside is my chin sometimes pushes against the veil mesh
Yes....I'm about to move to Swienty for that reason!
About this post. One needs to be buying the best.....not the cheapest! Unfortunately, if little Jonny or..... Brigid forgive....little Jenny, gets stung, there will be hell to pay! Either way, your insurance cover will cost a fortune surely?
I have high netting up on my allotment apiary. People can view the bees, entering their hives, from feet away, as they have to fly over the netting.

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