Did 2 modified WSnelgrove II AS's 11 days ago so today went in to get the Queens and return them to the 'forager' halves today.
Had to search good and hard to find HMQ but eventually, after pairing the brood frames, managed to spot her, capture, mark and then put her in the 'forager' half. All well and good.
Same approach on the other colony, but after successfully eventually finding HMQ, I managed to drop her -

but then found her clinging to a grass stalk so phew. BUT then I managed to pretty much drown her when marking as my flipping pen did a massive splurge (and this was after I'd done a preparatory mark on the hive)

I don't hold out much hope for her as she was pretty much motionless after about a minute, then it took a great deal of coercion to get the workers to attend to her as they obviously didn't recognise her

So, I left her with the brood part of the colony as I felt trying to put her in the forager half would be a no no in her condition. This means the foragers will be going with one of their Scrub Queens but I hope I have a virgin queen in a nuc so I can always add her if necessary in the future.
Always a learning curve!