Virgin Queen and Mated Queen in same hive

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New Bee
Aug 12, 2016
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Hi! This is my first post!

I have been rearing queens using mini nucs (mating hives), and it's been going fine. I've been running the queens into prepared five-frame nucs, and then placing the mini nuc frames in other hives so that the unhatched bees don't go to waste. However, I have inadvertently ended up with two queens in one hive as the bees made three queen cells from the mini nuc frames, one of which emerged before I could do anything about it. The hive with the two queens has brood box with queen excluder and two supers. There is a second (v. small) entrance above the queen excluder to allow drones to exit, as I move old brood above the excluder as part of removing old frames. What should I do? Should I try and find the virgin and remove her, or just leave things as they are and if the virgin becomes mated and returns to the hive swap her with the one-year old queen? But is there a risk that the old queen swarms? I could also just block the entrance above the queen excluder...

Any advice, most welcome. Thanks!
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Don't worry. The bees will sort it for you. (not likely by swarming but wdik)

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