Varroa treatment

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New Bee
Apr 22, 2024
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Hi all, I'm new to keeping bees & have got a bit behind due to work commitments. I haven't treated my bees & im wondering if I should still do so or whether I should leave it now ?
Any advice greatly appreciated.
I’ve just taken my Apivar strips out after 6 weeks as per manufacturer’s instructions. They still exude a strong smell so could They still be viable next year if I froze them
I'm still stripping boxes & putting strips in (Apistan this year).
I felt a change was in order as have used an Amitraz based product for many years.
I’ve just taken my Apivar strips out after 6 weeks as per manufacturer’s instructions. They still exude a strong smell so could They still be viable next year if I froze them
For me it wouldn't be worth the risk that the miticide might have reduced efficacy.
For me it wouldn't be worth the risk that the miticide might have reduced efficacy.
Yes i thought so too but asked the question because sometimes the manufacturers recommendations are stretched and hacked by experienced users.
I intend to OA vape later in December and January.
I intend to OA vape later in December and January.
Me too, GaryH -- per the Apiarist.
Hmmm. David Evans has consistently said that his colonies have a brood break in November and therefore that's when he does his winter treatment. I had a peek in all 25 colonies in one apiary today and none have eggs or larvae. Those that have sealed brood will be broodless soon so I'll vape at the end of this month. Seems not that long since I finished my repeat summer vapes! But I know that a mop up will be worthwhile.
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Hmmm. David Evans has consistently said that his colonies have a brood break in November and therefore that's when he does his winter treatment. I had a peek in all 25 colonies in one apiary today and non have eggs or larvae. Those that have sealed brood will be broodless soon so I'll vape at the end of this month. Seems not that long since I finished my repeat summer vapes! But I know that a mop up will be worthwhile.
That sounds spot on. You shouldn’t need to vape till after harvest next year.
I've only now finished harvesting and am now doing a round of vapeing for instant hit and oxalic/glycerine strips for a lingering effect, I simply cant get around everything for 3 x 5 day repeated vapes. I'll probably do another vape all round before Christmas to make sure they start off relatively varroa free in the new year.
Pretty much every hive with a young queen I've pulled frames on has some brood being reared from the ivy flow.
There's some evidence of varroa damage on some hives (dwv and some unviable brood) but nothing too bad so hopefully it wont be too little too late.
I still have a number going strong treatment free but I'm keeping an eye on them and any that start to visibly suffer will get treated and taken out of the experiment.
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