New Bee
Good Morning all,
well I'm now a few months into bee keeping and enjoying it very much. My Nuc has grown to a stong 60,000 + group of lovely bees who are happy and hardly need any smoke when inspecting.
However my classic error is that when i set my hive up I faced it the way i wanted to face it. However and very bizarrely some thin unusual has happened, and that is ive changed my mind! Now i want to move the hive 180 degrees so the little darlings face a fence ( 4M away), rather than their flight path being directly between my raised beds. I can no longer get and bee suit on to pick beans, spring Onions, and conduct weeding.
So two days ago i moved the hive 30 degrees at twilight, and it did not cause any problems, so now i want to move it another 30 degrees. I'm hoping to move the hive 30 degree every two days so by next Friday it will be facing the right way. I've not used branches, leaves or anything infront of the Hive.
Anyone got any thoughts pertaining to incremetal degree manipulations? If so kindly share?
Best Paul
well I'm now a few months into bee keeping and enjoying it very much. My Nuc has grown to a stong 60,000 + group of lovely bees who are happy and hardly need any smoke when inspecting.
However my classic error is that when i set my hive up I faced it the way i wanted to face it. However and very bizarrely some thin unusual has happened, and that is ive changed my mind! Now i want to move the hive 180 degrees so the little darlings face a fence ( 4M away), rather than their flight path being directly between my raised beds. I can no longer get and bee suit on to pick beans, spring Onions, and conduct weeding.
So two days ago i moved the hive 30 degrees at twilight, and it did not cause any problems, so now i want to move it another 30 degrees. I'm hoping to move the hive 30 degree every two days so by next Friday it will be facing the right way. I've not used branches, leaves or anything infront of the Hive.
Anyone got any thoughts pertaining to incremetal degree manipulations? If so kindly share?
Best Paul