Queen Bee
The background to these data is that I have 3 colonies, two have low number of mites, but one had crept up over the summer to between 30 and 40 a day which I considered to be too high. I decided to do the 3 x 5 day treatments (2.5 gms OA-based product vaped in home-made equipment) but after the third treatment, I was still getting what I thought were high drops. I did a 4th treatment and the same thing happened. I did a 5th treatment and I thought I had cracked it but in the last 3 days, the numbers of mites dropped has started to creep up again - yesterday drop was 30, 22 days after last treatment, up from a low of 8 on day 18.
I think I will have to use a Thymol-based treatment on these bees but am reluctant to keep putting chemicals into the hive. However, needs must, when the devil drives.
What I would like to see is an alcohol wash pre-treatment count and another wash 1 month after the last treatment. Michael Palmer posted his finding, all-be-it on a single hive and found the mite numbers had gone up post treatment.
Needless to say, a lot of folk will be relying on the 3-4 sessions of OAV this late summer/autumn when the hives have capped brood and could be in for a surprise if mite numbers are still high 1 month later.