Traditional, Comercial or Religious

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Queen Bee
Apr 4, 2011
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Deep breath,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

So, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What do you want for Christmas?
xmas giving
I don't want anything, thanks, including Christmas!:rolleyes:
Nothing bee related, it is much better if my wife remains in the dark when it comes to buying bee related items and how much they cost.
I am again looking forward to our ritual of going to the local Christmas tree sales place on about the 23rd of December, picking the most misshapen and unlovable potted tree from the pathetic remaining selection, bringing it home and giving it the best damn Christmas that we can - warmth, light, water, all the decorations and trimmings - before planting it in the field near its predecessors to have a good life.

On the basis of this loosely(!) Pagan approach, I'll go for 'traditional' please, and have my Santa dressed in green not red ;)
I am again looking forward to our ritual of going to the local Christmas tree sales place on about the 23rd of December, picking the most misshapen and unlovable potted tree from the pathetic remaining selection, bringing it home and giving it the best damn Christmas that we can - warmth, light, water, all the decorations and trimmings - before planting it in the field near its predecessors to have a good life.

On the basis of this loosely(!) Pagan approach, I'll go for 'traditional' please, and have my Santa dressed in green not red ;)

It's Father Christmas not Santa, and Christmas trees are a Victorian introduction (it's Alberts idea)
And a red Father Christmas was invented by a soft drinks manufacturer

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We need scientic facts about fantasy person.

Christmas has been long time before Jesus Christ in Roman Empire and among Celts.


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I am again looking forward to our ritual of going to the local Christmas tree sales place on about the 23rd of December, picking the most misshapen and unlovable potted tree from the pathetic remaining selection, bringing it home and giving it the best damn Christmas that we can - warmth, light, water, all the decorations and trimmings - before planting it in the field near its predecessors to have a good life.

On the basis of this loosely(!) Pagan approach, I'll go for 'traditional' please, and have my Santa dressed in green not red ;)

On the whole I'd rather have Hogfather come calling.
It all to be over as quickly and a painlessly as possible. Get decos down on Jan 6th!! Barr Humbug!! New year, yea!! bring it on!!
It's Father Christmas not Santa, and Christmas trees are a Victorian introduction (it's Alberts idea)

Hate to say it but it is actually Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus, the customs today started from miracles associated with him. Now, children at Christmas time continue to honour.
We need scientic facts about fantasy person.

Christmas has been long time before Jesus Christ in Roman Empire and among Celts.



Saint Nicholas is not a fantasy, he left secret gifts for people.
Christmas was always going to be commercial - says so in the bible - "And there shall come a great profit throughout the land"
Saint Nicholas is not a fantasy, he left secret gifts for people.

But Santa Claus does not become from S. Nicholas.

In Scandinavia it was a goat, which delivered gifts 100 years ago. We still use name "Cristmas Goat" about that old guy.

I do not know who did the job among ancient Celts.

Among Celts they spent dark days festifal named "Yuole". In Finnish languace Ch. is joulu and in Sweden Jul. In pronouncing it sounds the same.
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In Eastern Europe gifts are given on St Nicholas day which is earlier than our Christmas day which was made to suit the church when the old calendar was changed from the Julian to the Gregorian.Their Christmas day falls on the 7th January. Like wise some parts of Wales still celebrate the old new year(Hen Galan).

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