depends how you are going to feed it, the danger in using a top feeder (rapid feeder, miller etc) is that it is outside the hive/cluster and bees won't go up to it as it is too cold.
Frame feeders work throughout the year and the hive is only open for seconds to top it up.especially good for nucs (one of the pro's of the Payne's side feeder nucs)
best advice would be to feed properly in the autumn so they don't need topping up, if they do, fondant is always the easiest and safest method.
As for the forum imbecile's 'advice' cutting and pasting something you've read on the forum isn't advice.
Putting syrup in a frame of drawn comb is a very good way of urgent emergency feeding when you discover a colony on the verge of starvation, usually late spring or in a sudden forage gap but to advise it at this time of year is just sheer stupidity and just demonstrates the poster's ignorance and eagerness just to post for the sake of it.