Maybe this will go well for my starters looking at the patterns & flashes...
Wordle 1,288 4/6* old 651, max 6ish 3, max 4 1 no flash
Wordle 1,288 4/6* Jan24 247, max 6 22, max 5 3, max 5 code luck
Wordle 1,288 4/6* Jul24 427, max 6 16, max 5 2, max 5 50/50??
Wordle 1,288 4/6* Nov24 285, max 6 3, max 4 1... pretty safe par again, can't see why most would X. Maybe bot has AI hallucinations?
Bot: tricky beast, average XX ??
We are doing HUGELY better it seems!
Or Alan Martin forgot to edit a template XX on his start page?? He took 5 himself, some fairly popular starters lead to 3...
Did play a second yesterday but rushing out for a day out walking Seven Sisters and pub lunch seems I never posted it. Also a 4 I think.
Wordle 1,290 5/6* old 159, max 6 with a group 4, a different group & could be 6 3 2 oh well... at least code saw it coming
Wordle 1,290 4/6* Jan 24 114, max 6 19, max 5 1... that's nicer, GREEN FLASH
Wordle 1,290 5/6* Nov24 427, max 6 6, max 6. Worst case same group as first play... 3 dé 2 ja vue
Wordle 1,290 4/6* Nov24 66, max 5 2, max 4 other one then (not so bad when you choose an unlucky bad day)
Bot: really easy, 3.0
Yeah but not if you avoid the normal letters, then you can take 6 (but not more at least). [yesterday rated really tricky but I can't get the average now]
As Flash as you can get?
There is only that pair of anagrams... in the 10k dictionary words I have. Which seems wrong as I can think of 2 other plurals right away