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Wordle 842 4/6* new
⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ 216
⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ 11, max wil be 4
β¬›πŸŸ¨πŸŸ¨πŸŸ¨β¬› only 1
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 We get to it now, confess...
( I still do not trust my code yet!)

Wordle 842 3/6* old
β¬›β¬›πŸŸ©β¬›πŸŸ© only 11, code was recommending the solution but it was not what I'd choose from possibles as the solution might lead to a 4
πŸŸ©β¬›πŸŸ©β¬›πŸŸ© this gave max 3, only 1 now.
I ould have gone with what I knew was the answer for a 2, and I don't really know why my coding picked it...
Wordle 844 3/6* old
β¬›β¬›πŸŸ©πŸŸ¨β¬› 19
πŸŸ©β¬›πŸŸ©β¬›πŸŸ© only 1...

Wordle 844 4/6* new
β¬›β¬›β¬›πŸŸ©β¬› 47 (possible group of 8)
β¬›β¬›β¬›πŸŸ©β¬› 9
πŸŸ©β¬›β¬›πŸŸ©β¬› only 1
The old won out today, due to lucky matches on line 1.
Wordle 845 4/6* old
β¬›πŸŸ¨β¬›β¬›β¬› 236, max 5
πŸŸ¨β¬›πŸŸ¨β¬›πŸŸ¨ 10, max 4 (I took the second best scoring suggestion, the "best" could have led to a 6. Work to do...)
β¬›πŸŸ¨πŸŸ¨β¬›πŸŸ¨ just 1
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 fuh-lash

Wordle 845 2/6* new
πŸŸ¨πŸŸ¨β¬›πŸŸ¨πŸŸ© just 2 possible
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 win that 50/50
Just luck that the new method starter hit so much.
Wordle 846 3/6* old
β¬›πŸŸ¨πŸŸ¨β¬›β¬› 40, max 4
β¬›πŸŸ¨πŸŸ¨β¬›πŸŸ© just 2
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 won 50/50

Wordle 846 2/6* new
πŸŸ¨πŸŸ¨β¬›πŸŸ¨β¬› 6 possibles, max 3
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 code picked this word, lucky
The new has it today as max 3 was sure, mostly due to getting 3 hits on first line.

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