Wet damp day, not the sort of day I will look at the bees.
But had the Bee Inspector call me in the morning.
To make sure I was in to inspect my bees and take a few away.
Part of The National Bee Unit Apiary Survey.
There were a lot more bees in the hive today.
As the weather not that nice,
Looks like they are having a day off
He was happy with the bees.
Found the Queen and added a QE.
Also a lot of honey coming in OR they are moving honey from the Brood box to give the Queen more room to lay.
Right Hive.
9 frames of brood
Super 1/4
But had the Bee Inspector call me in the morning.
To make sure I was in to inspect my bees and take a few away.
Part of The National Bee Unit Apiary Survey.
There were a lot more bees in the hive today.
As the weather not that nice,
Looks like they are having a day off
He was happy with the bees.
Found the Queen and added a QE.
Also a lot of honey coming in OR they are moving honey from the Brood box to give the Queen more room to lay.
Right Hive.
9 frames of brood
Super 1/4