As my bees have been as someone said on FB 'asbo bees' this year, and only had half their brood box in use and half a super, I put the full super frames in the brood box instead (brood to the front, stores to the back). I know there will be a lot of comb to sort out in spring (if they make it that far) but I thought they would be better with their own honey rather than a load of syrup. (To add, the queen had laid in the bottom of the super frames so couldn't extract them anyway).
Having seen little to no evidence of varroa at all (uncapping drone brood, greased board insterted, checking for DWV) the decision was taken not to treat for the sake of treating. I understand that this could be a bad idea but we will see. They will be treated in spring however.
I have ordered straps for both the poly nuc and the wooden hive to secure them against high winds even though they are quite sheltered. I am pretty sure a hurricane would struggle to blow the nuc over, it is so heavy I can't pick it up.
I will be hefting the wooden hive soon to check if they need feeding but the brood box is extremely heavy and they are still going mad on the balsam so it may not be necessary.
May be of no use at all but thats what I have done anyway. (I know most will disagree with something or other)