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They do have a roof over their heads. And I looked after the elderly for many years so know the problems and did all I could to help, so don't think I am a ....!.

But we turn on a tap for water, have a hospital with drugs and anaesthetics- at the moment those lovely people have neither. Surely we can give every area of help before thousands more die. Sod the lottery roll over for one week.

Veg.. you being sarcastic?? Hope so. The world is one family, and we are able to help other human beings. We are a very lucky nation, with temperate weathers, with many organisations to help people in need. We are not queuing for water to keep children alive or worrying about the quality of any water maybe causing babies to die as it could be contaminated. Dead bodies, stink and leak fluid. Disease is days away for the vulnerable... but yes, lets consider our own charity needs... and buy another lottery ticket. Might get that roll over. Let them roll over and die.


I don't doubt your sincerity or compassion but what you are suggesting isn't a correct use of those funds. They have been ring-fenced for other things and to divert them to other uses because of the actions of a pressure group is just plain wrong (imho). Why not send it to India where the death toll is estimated at twice that of the Philippines, I'm not even going to mention that they continue to spend money on their space program while receiving aid.

I would personally say, that if you want to donate to this cause then please feel free to do so, with your own money of course. I personally choose to direct my efforts elsewhere.

Sorry but I felt that I needed to express my view.
Only the stock market. And some of my profits are going to the Philippines.
I don't gamble on anything else since I lost 2/6 on the National in my younger days!

But I also feel angry re India.. such a disgrace.. but I will still sponsor children from there and an orphanage too as they are young lives from the low castes. What a human race we are..
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But I also feel angry re India.. such a disgrace..

Belinda had a call from her cousin (also one of my costituents) a couple of days ago about another constituent, a seventeen year old, who, having been thrown out by his parents in now living rough in a scrap car just up the road with no money for food, and no chance of benefits as he hasn't an address local people are trying their best to help (fair play he is trying valiantly to be independent) .We have tried everything to get him emergency accomodation to no avail - shelter can't help, the local authority aren't interested becuase according to guidelines, because he isn't pregnant, a drug user or needs regular medical attention he is not deemed a priority!!. But yet we still send aid to India who, because we subsidise their needy, they give their fat cats tax breaks and send cockroaches to mars!!!!!!!!!
Surely someone there has a spare bed?? :welcome: A little practical help is worth more than sympathy.
Dig Deep ladies and gents - unless you have already done so

Sorry, but like my grandmother (a lifelong Red cross supprter and volunteer) I believe in a more practical approach than signing a bit of paper
Done both ;)

... and he can be independent- a house where the householder needs
a) company b) garden help c) a strong arm to assist with house chores .. in return for rent.
He gets a roof, an address, friendship, a non parental perspective on life..
Done both ;)

... and he can be independent- a house where the householder needs
a) company b) garden help c) a strong arm to assist with house chores .. in return for rent.
He gets a roof, an address, friendship, a non parental perspective on life..

I'm sure he will be sorted in short order - our is not the kind of community to cross to the other side of the road. It's obvious that people are concerned/trying to help by the amount of interest there's been in his plight.
I'm assuming SWMBO has done all that - she's been dealing with this one - she's also trustee of a few housing associations and I think is exploring a long term solution as well.

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