The Olympics are the greatest threat to the bees of Britain because.....

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Aug 4, 2011
Reaction score
Levenshulme, Manchester UK
Hive Type
Number of Hives
2 - and steward of 8 others.
Well, how would you finish the above?

I shall be trying hard to miss the Olympics...

..... All that posturing and posing, all that wasted energy and emotions.

Hardly anything worth watching.

Apart from womens' beach volleyball, of course.
A sport of great tactical and strategic complexity, all of which I shall watch.

But why do you think the Olympics are a threat to British bees?

No "limp" in Olympics for you, then!
Apart from womens' beach volleyball, of course.
A sport of great tactical and strategic complexity, all of which I shall watch.


My brother works in the Lord Chancellor's office and his office window overlooks the women's beack volleyball courts.not worthy
Unfortunately my brother......shall we say bats from the pavillion end? what a waste!
And no - there was more than one in our village!

Unfortunately it will be hard for me to totally avoid the olympics as we shall be running offshore interference at the sailing events I shall be making the most of my mandatory rest periods by either reading the odd manual or resting my eyes! :D
Don't know about bees and the olympics, but I'm heartily cheesed off with the whole sad steroidfest already......... Just a swift gander at the "sponsors" is enough to induce apoplexy - Dow Chemical (Bhopal and Agent orange for starters), Coca bloody Cola and the planet-wrecking clowns from McD's! - giving the message "celebrate sport - eat junk food, drink junk drinks, and ignore the damage amoral multinationals do in the course of turning a profit"

Looks like there's more "brand police" (to make sure noone dares to flog any real chips for the duration as they've sold the concession to McD's - who's offerings are reputed to contain dextrose, sodium acid pyrophosphate, and hydrogenated soybean oil with THBQ, citric acid and dimethypolysiloxane, and can't legally be even called chips!) than real security people as Divvy Dave's mates in Group 4's latest incarnation have totally bogged it up!

I reckon someone could make a small fortune offering car stickers bearing such messages as "stuff the bloody Olympics!"
I reckon someone could make a small fortune offering car stickers bearing such messages as "stuff the bloody Olympics!"

ah, but then they'd have the 'Brand Police' on them like a shot, £20k fine :eek:
I dread the imposition of the Olympic lanes, it will be impossiblee for me to get to Park Bees at blackheath to buy anything and makes normal inspection of bees diffiuclt and swarm collection impossible in some areas

The main routes on the 25th July have Olympic Lanes which from my house in the East go to wembley Stadium, West to Stratford Olympic site and North to the Broxbourne canoe site. The Olympic lanes restrict already congested dual carriage ways to one lane each way, so it is going to be chaos...and we are paying extra Council tax for this for the next 25 years

public transport is also out with dire warnings of dont go to central london as the tube lines will be over capacity...i don't know how the can squeeze more sardines in those trains

Also the olympic torch route next thursday circles my house and almost cuts me off form the rest of London for 11:00 to 4:00

so my swarm phone will be switched off for the duration as i dont want to be stuck in traffic all day
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The Olympics are the greatest threat to the bees of Britain because.....

Anyone with any sense will have left the country.
'The Olympics are the greatest threat to the bees of Britain because.....'

Hmm, lemme see.

1) I live in the area that's hosting the sailing, and my little wind-blighted lump of limestone now resembles Alcatraz.

2) The delays caused by the fact that the police for the event are housed on the industrial estate where I work, so we have to go through a security embargo just to reach my particular treacle-mine.

This is going to make me progressively more mardy as the weeks go on. The girls will notice and act accordingly. The hairy appendage will have to be wearing trainers if he's down by the hives!
The closest we got to the olympics was 15 mins of torch relay. Good job it's not prime swarm season as none would be collected.

I think that we should all have chipped in and helped DUREX and or JIFFY to become a major Olympic sponsor.

The message being . . .
Because all sensible bee aware people will be in hiding...and my internet connection is almost non-existant and with all teh sport cretins watching stuff on i-player etc - I don't expect to get a good signal till September!
It is the world's biggest freak show. They are professional entertainers not sportsmen and women. It is also an appalling waste of money, especially in times of recession and we will be paying for it for the next 25 years.
Brosville, you missed UPS as a major provider; a massive international snake-pit organisation with not a care for their ground level employees. Rant over :)

Oh and why are they bad for bees, one of our branch vans totalled a swarm the other week as it flew across the road.
Because all sensible bee aware people will be in hiding...and my internet connection is almost non-existant and with all teh sport cretins watching stuff on i-player etc - I don't expect to get a good signal till September!

Watch who you're calling a "sport cretin"! I am looking forward to two weeks of lycra watching and wall to wall sport.:drool5:
Cazza - guess that makes me a complete sport cretin.
I knew someone would put an olympic thread on here. My view: I wish France had been successful in their bid. Near enough for people to go to watch it, far enough not to have to pay for it. Every London borough was given £50,000 to spend on DECORATIONS for the olympics. Boroughs where there is not enough money to repair schools or staff hospitals properly'

The only good thing is that the torch relay will be passing near to my bees tomorrow when I want to inspect. I am hoping that this will attract members of the public to the relay leaving me without an audience which I might otherwise get on a (hopefully) sunny day.
It is the world's biggest freak show. They are professional entertainers not sportsmen and women. It is also an appalling waste of money, especially in times of recession and we will be paying for it for the next 25 years.

nothing to do with olympics, but I love your username :laughing-smiley-014:laughing-smiley-014

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