The magic triangle.

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El triángulo mágico.
Esta semana tiene lugar una de las tradiciones más arraigadas de Galicia, "O Entroido" aunque la festividad suele ser el próximo martes, hoy tienen lugar numerosos desfiles de disfraces tradicionales y en concreto en el llamado triángulo mágico.
Xinzo de Limia y su desfile de "pantallas".
Verin y el desfile de "cigarrons"
Laza con el desfile de "peliqueiros".
En esta imagen puedes ver algunos de los trajes típicos y un mapa con su ubicación.

Que este hilo sirva para que cada uno describa las tradiciones de su tierra o las festividades que se realizan.


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Esta semana tiene lugar una de las tradiciones más arraigadas de Galicia, "O Entroido" aunque la festividad suele ser el próximo martes, hoy tienen lugar numerosos desfiles de disfraces tradicionales y en concreto en el llamado triángulo mágico.
Xinzo de Limia y su desfile de "pantallas".
Verin y el desfile de "cigarrons"
Laza con el desfile de "peliqueiros".
En esta imagen puedes ver algunos de los trajes típicos y un mapa con su ubicación.

Que este hilo sirva para que cada uno describa las tradiciones de su tierra o las festividades que se realizan.
(Courtesy Google Translate)
"This week one of the most deeply rooted traditions in Galicia takes place, "O Entroido" although the festivity is usually next Tuesday, today numerous traditional costume parades take place and specifically in the so-called magic triangle.
Xinzo de Limia and his parade of "screens".
Verin and the parade of "cigarrons"
Laza with the "peliqueiros" parade.
In this image you can see some of the typical costumes and a map with their location.

May this thread serve for each one to describe the traditions of their land or the festivities that take place."
(Courtesy Google Translate)
"This week one of the most deeply rooted traditions in Galicia takes place, "O Entroido" although the festivity is usually next Tuesday, today numerous traditional costume parades take place and specifically in the so-called magic triangle.
Xinzo de Limia and his parade of "screens".
Verin and the parade of "cigarrons"
Laza with the "peliqueiros" parade.
In this image you can see some of the typical costumes and a map with their location.

May this thread serve for each one to describe the traditions of their land or the festivities that take place."
Upss, 🙃
We have Mardi Gras parades and fun in many places here. There was a parade down town on Saturday.
Here is a photo showing some of the fun. (I was just a parade watcher).
Mardi Gras Cotton Candies.jpgMardi Gras crowd..jpg
And that we Galicians eat in "Entroido". "Cooked Gallego".
The essentials are cured pig's head, cured lacon, beef and chicken, chorizos. Apart from the vegetables (turnip green, collard greens or cabbage), chickpeas or beans and potatoes.
Desalt the pork and soak the chickpeas or beans. Three hours before the water is boiled, when it breaks the boil the meat is added. It is cooked for two hours. Remove from the heat and in the same water (at a boil) add the vegetables, potatoes and finally the chosen legume in fractions of 20 minutes. Finally everything is mixed and after 5 minutes it is served. The meats in a properly chopped source.
Note: it is not recommended for dinner, better at lunchtime due to its long digestion.
And post, the "filloas" (creps) and sweet ears are typical.
Then you can party all day.
Carnival festivities end tomorrow. Catholic Lent begins but before the last shot. The burning of "O Meco" or the burial of the sardine as vindictive acts of the people against their rulers.
The Sunday following the carnival is known under the name of "piñata" Sunday. As I already said, one of the typical desserts is the "filloas" or creps. On Piñata Sunday, the festival of the "filloa" is celebrated in Lestedo. And it is celebrated in a big way, will you be able to eat to the rhythm of the machine and the music?


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Shrove Tuesday today (I was born on Shrove Tuesday, so most years I get two birthdays, an old tradition). In the sticks around here 'thrashing the hen' was a sort of a Welsh Piñata) a live chicken would be buried up to it's neck, then boys would don a blindfold to try and whack it whoever was the first to brain it would take the victim back home to the family for their dinner
I don't know anyone who was born for carnival, if you lived in Galicia you would be the subject of gossip and absurd theories.
At the gates of Piñata Sunday, General Winter appears. yes today we are under a blanket of snow, and in an adaptation of the Spanish proverb: year of snow, year of cash flow.
And to warm up and anticipate the calendar in case someone decides to come to Galicia on vacation.
"Fiesta da Filloa" in Lestedo
"Festa do Lacon con grelos" in Cuntis.
The first week of March takes place the celebration of:
"Festa do Queixo de Arzúa-Ulloa" in Arzua. Cheese for everyone.
"Festa da Arribada" in Baiona, which commemorates the arrival in port of one of the three ships with which Christopher Columbus reached "Las Indias" (March 1, 1493).
"Mostra do Aceite" in Quiroga. Tradition of olive oil and manufacture of clay elements.
New weekend and how can it be otherwise in Galicia there is a party.
From March 10 to 12, the "Feira do viño de Chantada" will take place. Wine tastings of various denominations of origin will be carried out, although the majority by proximity is that of "Ribeira Sacra"
I attach a map with the 5 DO and the 4 IGP. "Ribeira Sacra" is the green one. Red wines made with "mencia" and white wines with "godello".


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