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New Bee
Jan 4, 2011
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You won't believe it. Had the bee inspector today who confirmed sac brood in my only colony. No queen, unviable, destroy! Guess what, just headed outside and right there in the tree is a swarm. Grabbed a spare hive, cut off some tree, queen excluder top and bottom. Ees are going in. Here's the question, should i feed them to help them get going? What and when?:calmdown:
I think the common advice is to wait two days and then feed a syrup made typically of 1 litre water to 1 kg sugar.

The delay is to let them use up the reserve of honey they brought from their colony in case there are any baddies in it that you wouldn't want.

Fantastic news all the same so glad for you!!
24 hours is long enough, 1 pint of water to 1 pound of sugar gives a more accurate water content but hey ho who's looking
They will cope perfectly on their own if it is warm and there is a flow. They have been doing that for millions of years. Even decent sized casts. I would only feed if they actually need it. Most of my bait hives were only checked weekly at out apiaries.

Observation by the beekeeper is everything. Both the colony and the weather.
Unless you can be certain that it is a prime swarm and not a cast I would not put Q Ex in.

OK there is a chance they will abscond, but if it is a cast with a virgin the long term damage will be much greater if she can't get out to mate.
Why QE at top? Just something else for them to make wax onto.

I would QE underneath for 24 hrs only as you don't have a frame of brood to hold them with. If you had brood I would leave out the QE.
I was only planning to keep the QE on untill they had moved in, once settled ill remove in case of mating flight. Thanks for advice guys

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