The Caviar of Lexicography

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It's quite amazing isn't it that such a complicated language has gained such a universal acceptance ?
No wonder it's so difficult to learn.
I did OK on them; that's a Grammar school education for you ;)
I had to look up Terpsichore....but then that's Greek.
No wonder it's so difficult to learn.
I did OK on them; that's a Grammar school education for you ;)
I had to look up Terpsichore....but then that's Greek.

Ah yes, I recall my younger days attending Goole GS. Teachers that were in command of a classroom, lessons written on a faded blackboard in chalk. Physics, Chemistry,Biology, Maths, English, Metalwork and the rest. School lunches cooked on site from local supplies. Strict uniform, no mothers moaning to the local press about little Billy being sent out of class for having pink hair or green shoes.
I didn't realise how much data I stored away during that time but I'm still using it today. Can't thank those who taught me now as tempus has fugit and they've shuffled off this mortal coil.
English is an absorption ,expanded from a Northern dialect into an international language !
It annoys me when people write there when they mean their , of instead of have etc.

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It's quite amazing isn't it that such a complicated language has gained such a universal acceptance ?
Probably it has something to do with the British Empire that raped an pillaged the world.
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Ah yes, I recall my younger days attending Goole GS. Teachers that were in command of a classroom, lessons written on a faded blackboard in chalk. Physics, Chemistry,Biology, Maths, English, Metalwork and the rest. School lunches cooked on site from local supplies. Strict uniform, no mothers moaning to the local press about little Billy being sent out of class for having pink hair or green shoes.
I didn't realise how much data I stored away during that time but I'm still using it today. Can't thank those who taught me now as tempus has fugit and they've shuffled off this mortal coil.

I went to Mexborough Grammar School ... exactly the same ... the discipline was tough but as education goes ... second to none. I still retain knowledge from those days .. over 50 years on.
Some of the countries we exploited were thriving, educated civilisations when we were still banging rocks.
Big wheel of life, just depends which point you get on.

Which mostly died out before we arrived ... unlike the Spanish Conquistadores who wiped out the South American civilisations, either by killing them or the diseases they introduced.

Depending upon the view you take of civilisation we brought a great deal of good things to virtually all the countries that we colonised. What has happened to some of them since we left or were ejected I have witnessed at first hand and it's not pretty.
Which mostly died out before we arrived ...

Same as our empire has declined, the wheel has turned a little, that's all. These other civilisations also brought a great deal, Arabic numerals and the use of 0 to depict zero for example. We are not some unique beacon of light and decency, just another player and with skeletons in the cupboard, same as all the rest.
Same as our empire has declined, the wheel has turned a little, that's all. These other civilisations also brought a great deal, Arabic numerals and the use of 0 to depict zero for example. We are not some unique beacon of light and decency, just another player and with skeletons in the cupboard, same as all the rest.

I can't disagree with any of that ... Once when I complained that my clients in a certain African country were a corrupt bunch of thieves ... and that was their civil service - I was told 'Well where do you think we learned these ways ?'. So there were some things we introduced which were not so good which have been perpetuated - in spades !

I notice that many of our politcians seem to get inordinately richer after 'retirement' from politics .. Blair's estimated fortune is now in the order of £90million ... one wonders how a roving ambassador in the middle east found time to amass a sum of that magnitude ?
I notice that many of our politcians seem to get inordinately richer after 'retirement' from politics .. Blair's estimated fortune is now in the order of £90million ... one wonders how a roving ambassador in the middle east found time to amass a sum of that magnitude ?

Free Masons? Certainly some kind of elitist club. It must be a comforting thought knowing there is always someone watching out for you.
I iv
Free Masons? Certainly some kind of elitist club. It must be a comforting thought knowing there is always someone watching out for you.
Doubt it's the Masons they wouldn't touch that shyster Blair with a bargepole. Nor many of the current bunch either - they have standards!
Free Masons? Certainly some kind of elitist club. It must be a comforting thought knowing there is always someone watching out for you.
Doubt it's the Masons they wouldn't touch that shystet Blair with a bargepole. Nor many of the current bunch either - they have standards!
I iv
Doubt it's the Masons they wouldn't touch that shyster Blair with a bargepole. Nor many of the current bunch either - they have standards!

Doubt it's the Masons they wouldn't touch that shystet Blair with a bargepole. Nor many of the current bunch either - they have standards!

maybe moose, or groundhogs

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