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Oct 30, 2010
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Adalat – Supply Issues

Bayer have announced plans to permanently discontinue nifedipine immediate-release 5mg & 10mg capsules (Adalat) in 2019. There are no other nifedipine immediate-release products licensed in the UK.

Until a replacement product can be found I suggest anyone who suffers hypertension avoids reading the trolling posts left by some on this forum.....
Now where is that IGNORE BUTTON again?

Chons da
I suggest they take up a nice peaceful hobby like keeping bees to relax:hairpull: and then of course there are those that take every opportunity to protest these companies and are then first in line for medications :calmdown::banghead:
I suggest they take up a nice peaceful hobby like keeping bees to relax:hairpull: and then of course there are those that take every opportunity to protest these companies and are then first in line for medications :calmdown::banghead:
There is a bit of a difference in poisoning the planet with pesticides that may have sub lethal effects that are not fully tested or understood and producing drugs that can bring a quality of life to many.
It seems that a lot of American drug companies are pulling out of Europe which will leave some of us with a bit of a problem.
Only one supplier of insulin in Germany and diabetes on the increase.
Honey bee venom for desensitisation run into limited stocks last year.
I am going to stock up on aspirin before the supermarkets run out!
Bayer have announced plans to permanently discontinue nifedipine immediate-release 5mg & 10mg capsules
Chons da

Look on the bright side, you'll be able to drink grapefruit juice again:calmdown:

I am going to stock up on aspirin before the supermarkets run out!

Aspirin is where they made their money, it's a trade name for acetylsalicylic acid, (they gave Victorian GPs a back-hander & cornered the market as Aspirin).!
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There is a bit of a difference in poisoning the planet with pesticides that may have sub lethal effects that are not fully tested or understood and producing drugs that can bring a quality of life to many.
One herbicide I worked on was a very niche product. We only sold about 25,000 hectares of it in UK. The average yield increase, in the very bad situations for which there was no alternative product, was 4 tonnes a hectare. That's 100,000 tonnes of food every year that would otherwise not have existed. That's why people use pesticides, not because they want to poison the Earth.

It seems that a lot of American drug companies are pulling out of Europe which will leave some of us with a bit of a problem.
Only one supplier of insulin in Germany and diabetes on the increase.
Honey bee venom for desensitisation run into limited stocks last year.
I am going to stock up on aspirin before the supermarkets run out!

This makes no economic sense; there must be other reasons. Possibly something to do with how inflexible labour markets are in the EU, coupled with the regulatory burden.
One herbicide I worked on was a very niche product. We only sold about 25,000 hectares of it in UK. The average yield increase, in the very bad situations for which there was no alternative product, was 4 tonnes a hectare. That's 100,000 tonnes of food every year that would otherwise not have existed. That's why people use pesticides, not because they want to poison the Earth.

Deep environmental philosophy would say that an ecosystem can only support so many organisms( Mankind?) and increasing crop yield will only exacerbate the situation as crop failure due to uncontrollable environmental events will cause greater loss and misery due to famine.
Despite over production of food in the West we are still seeing terrible scenes of hunger in some parts of our planet.
I am certain the people who fabricate thes chemicals have no intention of "poisioning the Earth".... more likely capital gain!
Fair enough if you feel so strongly in regards to these companies then vote with your pocket and don’t buy the products. Unfortunately it’s the capital gain that funds the research that creates the products that keep people alive. But then again that brings up your above argument of over population/production.You should by rights be happy medication is being withdrawn and a subsequent reduction in the population. So how can you have it both ways?
Fair enough if you feel so strongly in regards to these companies then vote with your pocket and don’t buy the products. Unfortunately it’s the capital gain that funds the research that creates the products that keep people alive. But then again that brings up your above argument of over population/production.You should by rights be happy medication is being withdrawn and a subsequent reduction in the population. So how can you have it both ways?

Simply put.... you are just an antagonist.

Like so many other pacifists I welcomed the use of the atom to provide clean inexpensive power... but strongly condemned the use of it for weapons!

I was a CND member when you were probably still just a happy thought!

Chons da
No not an antagonist just pointing out you want both sides of the fence. I will happily nail my colours to the side I favour/consume. I also remember CND, what happened to them by the way. In fairness I thought that many of them required a bath. I ask again how you can have it both ways.
No not an antagonist just pointing out you want both sides of the fence. I will happily nail my colours to the side I favour/consume. I also remember CND, what happened to them by the way. In fairness I thought that many of them required a bath. I ask again how you can have it both ways.

History of the industrialised world is peppered with great benefactors to mankind.

Alfred Nobel springs to mind... invented Dynamite with every intention it should be used to benefit mankind.

Do I need to say any more?

From your posts it seems to me that you like to kick the player rather than the ball... and seem to have a very shallow depth of knowledge on the art of beekeeping to boot!

Your comments about the CND membership are totally insulting and unfounded and I think you would be wise to retract that antagonistic statement.

Fortunately my NHS pharmacist has prescribed a similar drug that works in the same way to reduce blood pressure... unfortunately for me it is a family ( inherited) trait.
I suppose now you will come out in favour of eugenics and closing down the NHS?

Yeghes da
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Deep environmental philosophy would say that an ecosystem can only support so many organisms( Mankind?) and increasing crop yield will only exacerbate the situation as crop failure due to uncontrollable environmental events will cause greater loss and misery due to famine.
Despite over production of food in the West we are still seeing terrible scenes of hunger in some parts of our planet.
I am certain the people who fabricate thes chemicals have no intention of "poisioning the Earth".... more likely capital gain!

Malthus was wrong. If it weren't for immigration, the populations of most European countries would be decreasing, as birth rates drop. If it weren't for the Ponzi schemes we call social security, this would be an opportunity to enhance the environment of Europe, rather than instead having to import millions of people to pay for the benefits we think we're entitled to (while conveniently forgetting that migrants age too).

Producing lots of food in Europe doesn't cause famine elsewhere. Chaotic governments and third-rate cultures have a much bigger effect.
Malthus was wrong. If it weren't for immigration, the populations of most European countries would be decreasing, as birth rates drop. If it weren't for the Ponzi schemes we call social security, this would be an opportunity to enhance the environment of Europe, rather than instead having to import millions of people to pay for the benefits we think we're entitled to (while conveniently forgetting that migrants age too).

Producing lots of food in Europe doesn't cause famine elsewhere. Chaotic governments and third-rate cultures have a much bigger effect.

I sometimes ponder the thought... will honeybees still be here when mankind eventually goes extinct?

As for now I shall continue to keep bees in boxes and steal their honey!

Chons da
I think we'll be the first species to NOT go extinct. We have removed evolutionary selective pressure from the environment, and got to the point where if one environment doesn't work for us, we go elsewhere. That isn't just on this planet; the only thing stopping us from colonising others is political will. My guess is we'll be taking Apis mellifera with us.

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