I have a hive that appeared to be queenless a little over a month ago, no brood, eggs etc. I have tried several test frames and they have produced nothing the bees just rear the brood and it hatches out. They aren't making QC's and there are no laying workers. They are quite placid when inspecting and don't seem to behave like a queenless colony. If there is a queen why isn't she laying?
I know it is very late in the year to be messing about with Queens but I don't want to lose the colony over winter as there are loads of bees, just apparently no queen. Now I'm also intrigued and want to know what they are up to!
I am using polyhives and my other queens are still laying and the bees are still bringing in loads of pollen and honey. These bees are still bringing in and storing loads of honey too.
I would appreciate any advice as I am a bit stumped on this one.
I know it is very late in the year to be messing about with Queens but I don't want to lose the colony over winter as there are loads of bees, just apparently no queen. Now I'm also intrigued and want to know what they are up to!
I am using polyhives and my other queens are still laying and the bees are still bringing in loads of pollen and honey. These bees are still bringing in and storing loads of honey too.
I would appreciate any advice as I am a bit stumped on this one.